Show branch and barcode for item-level holds in Leap
Our Cataloging staff frequently have to place item-level holds on multiple items from the same bib record when making updates to the collection. Currently in Leap, these holds display in the patron's account with only the title, format, and call number. From this information it is impossible to tell which specific items have been placed on hold. Including the barcode and the assigned branch of the item would make it easier to tell different item-level holds apart when the items all have the same title.
Lynton Frost-Foster commented
Could we also please include the barcode for BIB level holds, once the item is trapped and held for a customer? At the moment I need to drill down into the history of the hold to determine the barcode that is against the Hold.
Kristine den Boon commented
This would be really helpful, especially the barcode display. Columns like the call number aren't overly useful either. Perhaps the ability to customize what displays here?