Make Leap check-in screen sortable by column headers
Allow users to sort checked-in items by clicking on the column headers on the check-in screen in Leap.
Library staff double check their work by counting the number of items on their check-in cart and comparing it with the item count displayed on the check-in screen. If there is a discrepancy, being able to sort the columns would help staff more easily find items that didn't get checked in properly.
Also, please add a call number column to the check-in screen.

Jennifer Hoffman commented
It would also be super helpful to have the filter option in Check In. When one customer returns a variety of items but wants a check in receipt for just a few (say for their DVDs) being able to sort and/or filter, makes that easier. Similarly, if you are working with a group of kids after school and a bunch are handing you books to return, being able to sort by patron name to select and produce a check in receipt for the only kid who wants one would be way easier with the header sort/filter options available.