Polaris 7.5 - Inactivity logout for Leap
We use shared Windows logins at our service points so it's easy for a staff member who was working in the back or out on the floor to quickly hop on a desk and help a patron. However, for obvious reasons each staff member has their own Polaris credentials. Staff are constantly tempted to perform transactions while logged in as a colleague because they have a patron standing in front of them waiting. It would be nice if an inactivity timeout could be added to Leap so that staff would be forced to sign in as themselves in situations like this.
Emma Olmstead-Rumsey commented
Not sure how I missed that on the product board. Sorry about that!
AdminSamantha Quell (Admin, Innovative) commented
This was actually added in Polaris 7.5 at the same time as the development to automatically clear object locks. Details on the feature are available in the What's New: https://documentation.iii.com/polaris/PolarisPDFGuides/PolarisLeapWhatsNew_7.5.pdf