When patron barcode changes, auto-update with Libby
Currently when a patron replaces their library card and gets a new barcode, staff have to manually reconnect them with their Libby account, which is connected to their old card number. This update should be automated so that patrons who lose their library cards don't also lose access to Libby or other eResources. I'm not sure if this would require an update to the API (?)

AdminWes Osborn (Admin, Innovative) commented
This can be done through the API and through SIP today. You need to contact Overdrive and ask them to map your current barcodes to the patron ID. You'll probably need to send them a mapping file as part of the migration process. Nothing will change for your patrons except for if they get a new barcode, when they log into libby with that new barcode, they'll see the same account information that was their from their previous account.
AdminSamantha Quell (Admin, Innovative) commented
I know we did some work several years ago to ensure that OverDrive had access to both the PatronID and barcode via SIP. This development was meant to ensure OverDrive could access both patron identifiers if needed to merge accounts. However, I will admit I am not familiar with the process for how accounts get merged within OverDrive/Libby, so we will need to gather more information to know if this is even possible to control from the ILS side.
(Edited by admin)