Allow libraries to customize info displayed in Leap Patron Record header and properties
We need a way to bring perennial critical patron info to staff attention without creating blocks for customers or forcing staff to open the full patron registration. Having this info in the patron record header or properties would be ideal. For example: at our library, customer registered at branch is not critical info yet it is the most prominent value displayed in the header after name and card number, if we could designate UDF values to take it's place (such as bookmobile stop or language assist needed) or have space to reveal a designated UDF value under patron properties, it would increase the likelihood of staff spotting unchanging info needed to support the customer when it exists.

Nicole Tominaga commented
Yes, please! For example, we would much prefer the patron code/type to appear where the home branch is.
Emma Olmstead-Rumsey commented
Yes, please! We would definitely use this feature.
This would be a great way to tailor to differing library requirements.
Lynn Reynish commented
This would bring an excellent amount of flexibility to the patron record display. As a member of a varied consortium, I'd ask that this be configurable at the Library level, not just the System level. We're different enough to have varied needs here.