Allow Staff to Select City/Town When Multiple Locations Share the Same Postal Code
Currently, there are two options for handling postal codes, which I like to term: “Wild West” and “In Lock Down”. The postal codes are collected and managed within the Postal Code table in Administration>Explorer>Database Tables. Staff functionality is governed by the permission Patron registration: Modify postal address fields.
The Wild West option is to allow staff the permission to enter any address information provided by patrons, resulting in a table populated with a lot of incorrect city/town to postal code data. This way lies madness and continuous clean-up.
On the other hand, removing the permission from staff logins, puts them into the In Lock Down option. This limits staff to the town associated with a postal code in the postal code table. Unfortunately, the system only allows the initial town associated with the postal code to populate the town field in the patron registration form. Limiting staff to the town and postal codes that are associated is much more manageable and provides consistency, however, it isn’t that great for patrons whose town isn’t listed as the initial town associated with the postal code. This also means clean-up.
We’d like to recommend allowing the ability for staff to use the towns associated with a postal code in the Leap patron registration form when limited to existing entries in the Postal Code table.
Carmi Parker commented
Apologies if I am reading this wrong, but for us, LEAP already does this. We are set to "In Lock Down" after a painful bout with the Wild West. For us, if there is more than one city/county combo associated with a zip, we get a popup -- see attached. It's possible that we added the second city/county combo ourselves - part of our switch to lockdown involved discovering all the valid combos that staff had entered and keeping them. HTH!
Emma Olmstead-Rumsey commented