Increased reporting ability in SimplyReports
Details on items going in-transit, enroute, and/or transferred are not kept within the Polaris Transactions database. Instead, the data is only kept within the Polaris database. This means if an item is deleted, then statistics on it going in-transit/transferred/enroute are lost. The enhancement request here would be to include that information into the Polaris Transactions database.
This could also serve as a generic enhancement request for increased reporting abilities within Simply Reports. It seems there are a lot of things our libraries would like reports on that are not possible to create within Simply Reports. It almost always involves historical circulation data.

Manuel Garza commented
If I might also add, the date options are lacking in SimplyReports. I have reports for which I customized the SQL to achieve things like "the last calendar month," "the last calendar year," and "yesterday." These are all automated and it saves me a lot of time to not have to manually run reports with manually specified time ranges on a consistent basis. The code is simple enough to implement.
Beth Lane commented
I think this is a great idea!
Daniel Messer commented
I fully support this, if for no other reason than the PolarisTransactions database needs to be expanded to track this and many other events.