401 results found
Fund Hierarchy Report
Currently, the fund hierarchy report organizes at the Organization level by Org ID. This means that as new organization levels are added they drop to the bottom of the list, and I'm often looking at this from an alphabetical perspective. It would be helpful to have the option to organize the output alphabetically instead.
6 votes -
Make SimplyReports reports truly use the library level for reports
When you use SimplyReports (née Simply Reports) and create a report and select a LIBRARY, the report data is actually using the branches at the time the report was created. It is essentially a branch level report with the branches a the time of report creation.
This means that if you save the report, then you add a branch, that branch is NOT included in the report output. This causes confusion and extra work. There should be an option to truly make a "LIBRARY" level report, or part of the process of adding a new branch should go back and…
17 votes -
Ability to block holds by resource group or vendor account
Library staff frequently place holds that can’t be filled on the records for e-books from non-integrated vendors like Hoopla. Canceling these holds takes time. Since we still need to allow holds for the integrated vendors, we can’t change the material type to unholdable in system administration. Adding the ability to block holds by resource group or vendor account would solve the problem.
29 votes -
Add a copy button to supplier records in Leap
The ability to copy existing records makes record creation more efficient. In the Client, staff have the ability to copy an existing supplier record to create another one with similar information. This happens when staff have multiple supplier records for the same vendor because they have separate account numbers. A copy button is not in the supplier record workform in Leap yet. It should be added to the actions drop-down menu of the supplier record like it is in other record types. This will allow staff to feel like the transition to Leap will be easier since it is a…
32 votes -
Undo/Redo Buttons in the Leap MARC Editor
In the Client, there are undo and redo buttons. The undo button is particularly useful when someone has made a mistake. It quickly allows staff to correct the mistake by pressing a single button. When training technical services staff to use Leap, this button is clearly missed. Having this button will make the transition to Leap easier. Questions and comments about the lack of the undo button are common during training.
47 votes -
Include All Patron Duplicate Detection Settings in the API
Currently the API only performs basic duplicate detection (name, birthdate, barcode, username, and optionally the name on ID) when a patron record is created using the PatronRegistrationCreate call. It does not apply other optional settings - email, phone 1, or the UDFs - these only get applied directly in Polaris or the PAC. This idea is for including these optional settings in the API logic.
12 votes -
Leap patron search options expanded
Expand upon Leap Patron search by 'Notification Option', and 'Wireless Carrier'.
4 votes -
Add last patron modification date and modifier name to Patron Reporting
Adding the patron modification date and the name of the last modifier of a patron record would allow staff to narrow down when records were modified and by whom. The ability to track these changes would be particularly useful to Outreach staff who may need the statistical information about patron records they modified while working off site. Ideally, this addition should be added to the report outputs in SimplyReports and added to Leap as well so that public service staff can easily access this information. In Leap, adding Last Modification Date and User to the list of keyword fields in…
8 votes -
More chances for automatic renewals
Right now, automatic renewals happen 3 days before the due date. If the item someone has out is supposed to fill a hold for someone else then it never automatically renews even if another item ends up filling that hold. There should be a schedule for automatic renewals to occur 3 days, 2 days, 1 day, before the item is due and the day the item is due so there are multiple opportunities for that item to automatically renew in the event that a hold gets filled by another library and that item is now eligible for renewal again. It's…
19 votes -
Apply credit to POLI
Currently it is only possible to apply a credit to an entire invoice, which then distributes that across all funds for all items on the invoice. We rarely actually have a credit that applies to an entire invoice. It will apply to a single title, or even and single item, and should only apply to the fund for that item/title.
It would be much better to be able to apply a credit to a POLI, or even better, a specific POLI segment.14 votes -
Leap Offline Improvements
Currently there is more functionality in the client than in Leap for offline services. I would like Leap to also be able to create customer accounts and process check-ins like the client. But it would also be nice for the check in function, once transactions have been uploaded, to have the option for all items to go to a status of "IN" and be assigned to the branch they were checked in at.
9 votes -
Do Not Merge Checkbox Added to Registration
Indian Trails Library has had a large flux in separated families with parents living in two different library districts. The parents want to keep their accounts separate. According to IL these children are entitled to have a library card with each parent when they reside at both addresses.
Also, we have several members with two properties in different library districts. A few times now the accounts were merged and the members have been upset with the library even though we placed notes on the member's account not to merge the accounts.
A "Do Not Merge" checkbox added to the Registration…
7 votes -
Assign New INN-Reach Holds at the Bib Level, For Easier Transferring Between Copies
Currently, incoming requests are assigned from the INN-Reach central server to a specific copy in the catalog. If for some reason that item cannot be found or used, staff must undertake a lengthy multi-step process to transfer the item-level hold to another copy.
Keeping the hold at the bib level and letting Polaris assign it to an item will reduce the time it takes to transfer INN-Reach holds between copies will save a lot of staff time in communicating and processing, and further will reduce delays in getting the request fulfilled and sent out.
9 votes -
Ability to Bulk Un-Delete Bib Records in record set
In the Polaris client (we're on 7.6) we would love to be able to un-delete "half-deleted" bib records (any in "Delete" status).
We receive a monthly report of "Bibs without Item Records" for final weeding and we're finding many "half-deleted" bibs where staff have deleted the final copy on a record and clicked "delete" in the pop-up instead of "suppress from PAC".
We would like to be able to bulk change these Delete-status records back to Final so we can extra needed marc data (OCLC #s, primarily) and then properly double-delete them.
9 votes -
Expired patron transition
We would like Polaris to transition expired patrons to Deleted after a specified time frame. (Such patrons would of course need to have no lost items or checkouts.) We envision this working like Lost Item Transition and the Missing Item Transition. Ideally, we could also set a fine threshold to only delete those expired patrons with less than a certain amount of fines on their cards.
Adding this feature would allow a library to automatically remove expired patrons and allow for a more streamline process for deleting the ones they wanted.
12 votes -
Assign users to manage their branch's float table.
Allow permissions to modify the branch floating table so that each branch can maintain their own float in counts for their collections and/or media types.
2 votes -
Ability to view Bib circulations (Statistics) by year complete history, rather than just YTD & Previous Year
Being able to see a more complete circulation statistics for the lifetime of a title gives selection staff a more complete picture of the use of a title, in order to make better decisions about purchasing future titles by an author or in a series.
15 votes -
Authority record cross references should be searchable during a keyword bibliographic record search
In the Polaris client the bibliographic keyword index does not include or link to terms found in the cross reference fields (4XX & 5XX) of authority records, essentially making these references useless during a keyword search. These additional terms within authority records should be indexed in the bib record index for better, accurate search results.
The only way to access "SEE" references (4XX) during a bibliographic search is to choose a specific index (search by Author, for example) and change "type" to "Browse" rather than keyword, phrase, or exact match search.
For example, the actor Aunjanue Ellis-Taylor's name authority heading…
26 votes -
New Item record status - logical deletion
It would be useful for administrators and reporting if item records were not physically deleted from the database. Maybe the introduction of an additional item record status that leaves the record in the database but excludes it from all aspects but reporting and administrator access?
In our case we need to report periodically on item records being deleted. Once the record has been double deleted by a branch, I can no longer see it in Polaris, so I am relying upon spreadsheets captured at different points in time to capture the necessary data. Having a status of "logically deleted" could…
7 votes -
duplicate holds criteria for video games
When deduplicating hold requests, Polaris looks at title, author, and material type. Therefore, it doesn't allow our customers to place holds on the same video game title for different consoles.
Please also consider UPC during the hold request duplicate detection process.9 votes
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