Increase Character Limits for Data Fields
The Notice Type data field in the Text of Circulation Notices table is a mere 20 characters long. As we've had to create a number of new notices for temporary changes in operating hours, policies, etc., due to COVID, we'd like to make the description a bit more descriptive than 20 characters allows.
Also, because you cannot delete any of the old/test notice types, you already have to use up some of the characters to note that it's old/test/not used.
This runs along the same lines as Loan rules: increase the limit beyond 20 characters to loan rule names. This would cut down on confusion and staff time spent when reviewing the table. For example, when you look to see what the text of notices sent would be for specific loan rules, because the descriptions are so brief, you often have to click into the notice text and read it to confirm that it's the one that should be used.
We waste a lot of time trying to describe key features/functions with these arbitrary limits.