Include hold pickup location in circ_trans
Analysis of holds is often requested by managers keen to see what users are requesting and how much material is going where across multiple sites.
However a lot of detailed information on holds in the SQL tables is transitory e.g. hold, hold_removed.
I have long thought that it would be helpful to include hold pickup location in circ_trans, which provides a historic perspective and can be downloaded and/or adjusted to capture longer time frames.
This would enable data and analysis which is not possible currently.
The product manager will review this idea for possible inclusion in a future release.
Bruce Eames commented
Thanks Jeremy,
We have 12 months of transactions retained in circ_trans and while I realise this may not work for some sites, I would like to see 12 months of hold pickup location stored here or somewhere else.
Bruce -
Jeremy Goldstein commented
From my understanding (thanks in large part to Ray having passed along the response to a ticket he had opened) the hold_removed includes all holds that were cancelled, expired, or cleared from the holdshelf.
Then for filled holds they exist in the table for the period between when they have been filled and the subsequent time that clear holdshelf is run.
Bruce Eames commented
Thanks Jeremy,
To be honest I don't understand what hold_removed comprises - does it include all holds placed? All holds filled? That's why I might prefer hold pickup to be recorded in circ_trans to cover all holds. -
Jeremy Goldstein commented
Or retain the data in the new hold_removed table for a longer period of time. Either would be quite helpful for projects. In particular we use hold data frequently as a gauge of patron demand so having a historical record of the demand for certain materials would be incredibly helpful.