Make printer option defaults available by workflow, and have "send to email address" send only to staff email addresses
This is two fold. First, we would like to be able to set a default printer option determined by the staff users workflow (circulation workflow/function would default to "email to patron", and cataloging function would default to local printer, etc). So staff log in and select their function area and the system uses a specific printer default accordingly.
Secondly, we would like to have the "Send to email address" printer option changed somewhat. When selected, it would have a drop down of emails available to send to. These would be set up by the system admin. It would reduce the chance of staff accidentally sending private patron information to the wrong person for example. Reduced chance to typos causing the emailed information to go outside of our staff or the intended patron.
It's not a super common issue, but we have had patron date dues sent to the wrong person because staff chose the Send to Email Address option and entered the wrong address.
We want staff to have access to send to email address in order to notify coworkers of a problem, but want to limit the chance of private information being send to the wrong patron.