Offer the ability to retain a patron's receipt preference at checkout
At checkout, Circulation Staff must ask patrons at the end of each checkout if they want a printed receipt, email receipt, both, or none, or place a pop-up message on their account. It would be great if there were a way to retain each patron's receipt preference so that upon closing out the patron's record, the preferred receipt would be sent, print, both, or no receipt would be given.
Kayla Payne commented
I've seen this feature available in other ILS. Setting the print preference by patron makes so much more sense to me than by the user logged in. We've made our default email at all logins and can switch to paper as needed but it would be much better to not have to remember who prefers which type of communication.
Jeremy Goldstein commented
I know this idea had been submitted at least once previously, but I believe it aged out of the system, though I'm pretty sure it did have some decent support. Very happy to support it again as the lack of this capability is a perpetual annoyance I hear from staff