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Innovative Phone Alerts & SMS

Innovative Phone Alerts & SMS



28 results found

  1. We went live on IPA last week. At the moment, only two staff have the password, still unchanged from the default provided during implementation. This morning, we found that we've been locked out.

    While we're looking into having our access restored, the addition of a 'Forgot your password?' option to the login screen seems like a no-brainer.

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  2. We're about to begin our second week of calls made through IPA.

    Our library values the importance of metrics for both analysis & troubleshooting & since moving from i-tiva to IPA, see the lack of daily reports as an unfortunate step backward. We liked knowing which days of the week had larger call volumes or if marketing or other efforts created a boost in usage, which is a lot harder to determine without daily reporting, or at the very least without a 'date' filter.

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  3. We're about to go live on IPA after using i-tiva for the last several years (& Teleforms before that). We've got about 140K patrons who prefer receiving their library notices by phone over e-mail, so we're keen on keeping that playing field as level as possible.

    At the same time, we're hoping for as seamless a user experience as possible & also interested in making sure these users can, when needed, connect to a human being. As it stands, IPA does not currently have a menu option to connect to live help or an "operator."

    In either case, this would…

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  4. We have 140,000 patrons with a notice preference set to telephone, which currently means they receive notifications for holds & overdues. It would speak more to equity of service if they were able to receive courtesy notices for items that are either nearly due or have been renewed through Sierra's autorenewal process by phone, just as those whose notice preference is set to e-mail do.

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  5. Due to limitations in the fields exposed to print templates, we have repurposed SIerra's TELEPHONE2 field for use as a non-telephonic field. It would be helpful if IPA would place calls only to the phone numbers defined in a tag list of patron fields defined by each library.

    Alternatively, expose more patron record fields to the print template interface. :D

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  6. When making a phone call for a hold pickup or overdue item, identify the patron you are calling for at the beginning of the message. This is needed for multi-patron households to know who the message is intended for.

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  7. Many libraries rely on call data to monitor system performance & troubleshoot as needed.

    This would be made far easier available reports could be automatically e-mailed to staff. For example, our current solution allows for report e-mails on the successful import of call data & the completion of calls for the day, along with detailed/summary daily & monthly reports, all of which we find quite useful for both system monitoring & statistics. Each of these reports can be sent to multiple e-mail addresses for review/action as needed.

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  8. For years, libraries I've worked with have wanted a telephone notification solution that allows us to create second overdue call that can include different, more escalatory messaging from the first. It would be great if Innovative Phone Alerts (IPA) would allow this for Sierra customers.

    For example, a first overdue call might be a gentle reminder. A second might mention the potential for contact by a collection agency. Many libraries have been moving away from fines to encourage materials recovery & the potential for nuance between a first overdue call & subsequent calls would be greatly appreciated.

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