Copy configuration to and from kiosks and collection sites
It would be very useful for consortia managers to be able to copy the homepage configuration, global header, and potentially other settings from the main site/parent domain to kiosks and collection sites or from any type of site to another. Or, similarly, to be able to simply duplicate a site and then edit it from there.
This would save a lot of time when trying to create multiple sites that are harmonious in appearance and experience but distinct in content.
Carolyn Coulter commented
with 138 libraries, it is imperative that we can come up with easier ways to manage these sites. it would go a long way to be able to copy over configurations when creating a new site or making changes.
Alexandra Harvancik commented
Creating each Collection and Kiosk site from scratch is a HUGE time suck. This functionality is a requirement.
Alison Hoffman commented
As a site with over 30 member libraries, being able to share content or duplicate it easily to or between Collection or Kiosk sites would be extremely helpful and support and simplify site management. Having to recreate everything on each site requires a significant amount of time.
Eric Young commented
Vega's strategy of utilizing kiosk and collection sites aligns well with addressing diverse needs of target audience. Having the ability to inherit settings from the main site, like branding, navigation, would simplify site management. A main site inheritance feature would ensure that any updates to the main site's appearance automatically reflect across all inheriting sites, making admin tasks more efficient.
Eric Lozauskas commented
A "Duplicate" feature would be great... Thanks in advance from someone with 40+ libraries :-).
Nina Acosta commented
It would be very helpful if we could copy a site or set up a template to use instead of reconfiguring each one individually.