Polaris Item Level "Material Types" as a facet in Discover
We would like a refinement facet that uses the ITEM LEVEL "material types" from Polaris that are more specific than the current bib level Types of Material used in the Format Facet.
Enola Romano commented
The materials type that I use multiple times everyday is the "picture book" I have not found this in Vega. As a children's librarian the other formats that I use regularly includes board books and early (or emerging) readers.
Eric Lozauskas commented
Yes please - our consortium of libraries could really benefit from this (as most customers as well). Having the ability to easily limit to our own Material types would help patrons find things that don't have TOMs such as "Playaway, etc."
Ideal implementation would have an area in settings similar to Material Type Mapping that lets you see a list of all pulled in "Material Types" from Polaris and toggle them on/off for inclusion in the facets, and also provide the ability to rename a material type for a more patron-friendly display name. For example, we likely wouldn't want them seeing "Playaway-V" and would set the friendly display name to "Playaway Video".
Later development, we'd love to see the grouping of material types into a single material type facet item. For example, grouping DVD, DVD-J and DVD-RENT as "DVD" to help with searching.
After that, further development would ideally let us create a collection site specific to a material type or multiple selected material types. For example, we have a material type for "Library of Things" - this would be great to quickly use to filter for these items in a custom Collection Site.
Thanks for the consideration!
Margaret Rose O'Keefe commented
Hi Samantha,
In Polaris there are "Types of Materials" for bib. records (format) and "Material Types" for item records. We are asking here about "Material Types" not format. This is something you can filter by in the current PAC when you select More Advanced Search Options. See attached images.
Please remove the "already supported" status.
Alison Pruntel commented
We are a Sierra library, and we have a facet for format. If you go into Vega admin, Settings > Facet Administration, you can check to see if Format is enabled.