Ability to remove a title from My Reading History
Patrons would like to be able to remove a title from their reading history. (one by one ideally, though in a batch using check marks would work). Sometimes patrons borrow something and never get the time to read it and/or change their minds and never read it...

Author search in reading history has been fixed. I'm going to merge this request with another request for deleting from reading history.
Carolyn Coulter commented
Constant request from patrons to print the list in a format that is easy to read, as well as delete items from the list.
Christine Sneed commented
Our patrons have requested more functionality within Reading History. Specifically more information about the titles within a result, the ability to delete titles (as they could in the PAC), and better search functionality.
You cannot search with Reading History by format or author - only title - and that is not at all obvious or intuitive.
It looks like Bookmarks is getting some added functionality with more information and the ability to search (https://portal.productboard.com/iii/15-vega-product-portal/c/910-search-availability-in-lists-50-complete), and Reading History would function so much better with the some of the same ideas.
Jenny Ertel commented
Titles that have been withdrawn from the system due to the library no longer owning a copy (through weeding or because they were temporary records for ILL or INN-Reach) can show up as "Resource is not available" in a patron's Discover Reading History (or as "Record [bib#] is no longer available" in WebPAC). Patrons are used to being able to delete such useless empty entries in the interest of keeping their history uncluttered and readable.
Lisa Bondy commented
Patrons should have the ability to control their own reading history, beyond turning it on or off. The ability to delete reading history entries individually makes sense as some items may not be worth keeping in one's history, or some patrons may only choose to keep "liked" items, or only books (not media), etc. It would allow patrons to have some ownership of their reading history, since it is their personal information.
C Mulder commented
REQUEST: Add the ability to delete reading history entries individually.
Job Story: As a user, I can manage my Reading History by deleting items that I don't wish to track.Acceptance Criteria
The following features are added to Reading History
Delete from Reading History
Patrons can scroll through their reading history and choose items to delete.
A maximum of 20 items can be selected at the same time to manage update calls.
Sierra users will see an indication that multiple requests are being processed while Vega loops.
Patrons will use Opt-Out to delete their entire history.This idea came from: https://portal.productboard.com/iii/15-vega-product-portal/c/618-reading-history-enhancements
Jamie L commented
A patron asked me if there was a way for him to delete items from his reading history. He frequently checks out CDs but doesn't need to keep track of those and would like to delete them out so only his books are left.
As a parent who checks out books for my children on my card, I too would like to be able to delete those items from my reading history at times. -
Sarah Kasprzak commented
I just received a request for this and think it would be useful since not all items checked out are read. Patrons that consult reading history when looking for future reads might want the ability to remove titles that they didn't have a chance to read when they borrowed them.
Alison Pruntel commented
Yes, I forgot that this is available in the classic WebPAC. You can delete marked or all items in your history. Nice to have, but I haven't had anyone ask about this or complain about the lack of this functionality. Not sure if III is able to tell how many people even used the feature, and we don't even have stats/data on how many people actually enable reading history.
Carolyn Coulter commented
I have had a few libraries ask for the ability for patrons to delete items from their reading history.
Lesley Kohles commented
Right now there is no way to remove titles from a patron's reading history. This is something we were able to do in Encore.