39 results found
Create Brochure more prominently displayed
Make the Create Brochure link more prominent --- add to the header next to Room Bookings, My bookings links. Adding it above the calendar view would also make it more prominent - maybe next to or below the Display: List, Calendar
2 votes -
Brochure Layout
Please fix the brochure layout.
The library logo is being obscured by the Number of Programs found header. The margins are so narrow that when printed, text is missing. Program pics are not consistently applied. Program descriptions are incomplete, possibly leaving off critical information for the patron.
3 votes1. The library logo being obscured by the number of programs has been resolved.
2. Missing text from a printed brochure has been resolved.
3. Pictures not being consistently applied is working as designed. An algorithm determines which images to apply based on several pieces of criteria like the number of images on the page and if the image has been used before.
4. Incomplete descriptions are also working as designed, a longer description is truncated for space.
Please feel free to create new enhancement requests for suggestions 3 and 4.
Keyword description search
Incorporate descriptions into the search parameters, so a search will find keywords in a description and not just the title/series.
4 votesIncluded with the October 29 release.
Scheduling Featured Events
It would be great to be able to schedule the features to run at a certain time. If I’m setting up an event 2+ months in advance, it would be nice to schedule the feature for a certain date range, instead of having to manually add a feature and remove it (if we’re featuring it before the event ends).
2 votesPlease see the March 14 release notes for more details on how to schedule your events.
Expand the Room_id API to show more information on a digital room display
We would like to view all of the upcoming reservations for a room so we can display some basic information on a display outside the room. The API will let you use the booking endpoint to pull a booking if you pass the email or barcode over but we want to parse the next couple events for a specific room id which is not possible. Patron bookings do not show in the event query endpoint because they are not events. There is no API on the rooms side to show upcoming reservations. I've included a screen shot of our current…
6 voteshttps://documenter.getpostman.com/view/19701705/UVksNEf1#5c0cda90-799b-4420-9483-6c8ff784cb9d
It would be really helpful if we could delete events from Vega Program on the staff side. I know in one of the learning sessions, it was mentioned that certain facets can't be deleted because of statistics and reports.
Bare minimum hide completely from staff view. It will make internal navigation so much easier.
20 votesWith the September 12 release, Admins can delete unpublished events without bookings.
It would be nice to show the difference from patron booked rooms, to adult, teen and youth events on the staff side calendar. To make the calendar more visually accessible at a glance, being able to change some event types to different color would be better.
5 votesThe option to add colors was added to the Admin functionality. It is the responsibility of the library to check colors for accessibility.
Customizable Access Level
Rather than 3 hardline Access Levels, it would be nice if the library had the ability to customize access by permission for each staff member.
A individual could be granted access to Add Events, Log Statistics, Impersonate, Room Calendar, and Approve Pending Room Bookings, but not be able to Approve Pending Events.
Instead of a drop-down, a list of permissions with a check-box each. See sample image.
4 votesYou can now customize access permissions.
Advanced > Manage Staff Accounts > Manage Staff Role
Edit the Age Restriction Message for Adults
Similar to https://ideas.iii.com/forums/951976-vega-program/suggestions/47061286-make-a-special-note-about-age-restrictions-edita, the boiler plate message is not accurate for all libraries and should be editable.
6 votesA special note about age restrictions has been added to the UI Text editor under the Event section.
Event Flyer- add room location
Please add to the flyer the room the program is taking place in at the location.
8 votesWith the September 23 release, the room locations is now displayed on the event flyer.
Calendar view default
Allow admins to set calendar view as the default view for the landing page.
10 votesFor libraries that would prefer that the landing page defaults to the Calendar View, you can accomplish this by updating the link on your website, see the example below.
{base URL}/?view=calendar
Modify "where" text for Virtual Locations
The current message under "Where" that automatically populates when we select virtual as a location is, "This is an online event! Please attend using your internet connected computer or mobile. The event's URL will appear on this page, or it will be delivered to your email inbox before commencement."
We'd like to be able to edit the text to "This is an online event! Please attend using your internet connected computer or mobile. A link to access the event will be sent to your inbox."?
5 votesThe UI Text editor has been expanded to include this text under the Event section.
Add the library logo to the Custom Brochure
The custom brochure is great, but it would be nicer if it had the library logo.
8 votesWhen creating a brochure the library logo is displayed.
Allow a room to be assigned to multiple rooms when creating Parent/Child room relationships
Our Activity Center can be divided from a single space into three spaces.
Something we didn't consider is when we divide it into two spaces. Currently, we can only assign Space 2 (child) to 1 Parent (Space 1 & 2 OR Space 2 & 3).Space 1
Space 2
Space 1 & 2
Space 3
Space 2 & 3
Space 1 & 2 & 32 votesAdded support for rooms to have multiple parent relationships with the August 20 release.
Make "Book a Room" Bigger
Book a Room can get lost at the bottom of the page, we'd like to see it bigger or more prominently on the home page.
2 votesRoom Booking has been added to the header options at the top of the page.
Customizable Notification Templates
It would be ideal if the library had the ability to customize the templates for the notifications sent out by Vega Program.
12 votes -
Search for a Guest Event or Room Booking
You can only impersonate a customer by library card number. It would be better if you could for a Guest Member via email to see what events and rooms that email address has attached to them.
4 votesFrom the Impersonate menu a new option has been added to impersonate a guest using their email address.
4 votes
Highlight Vega Program brochures feature more visibly
I love the brochure feature tucked away in the footer. I think it deserves a highlight so staff are aware and able to take advantage of the feature. Maybe a little blurb about use cases, such as a patron wanting info on the children's programming in a branch, and moving it up higher on the page in a larger font.
1 voteA 'Create Brochure' button has been added after the Filter Events section. This calls out a powerful feature so users don't have to scroll to the footer link.
Logged Stats aren't Included in the Downloaded Stat Report
When you set up Statistics Logging for capturing outreach and ad hoc events, we can see them on the Stat Page by showing the table, but they aren't included in the exported report.
3 votesFrom the stats page, click the Uploaded Stats button to see the Logged Stats.
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