Offsite Event Location Handling
We have library events off site within the communities we serve but how do we add those events to the event calendar? If I set up a location, it requires an address. I could set up an individual option for the offsite location. Maybe if there was an option to select offsite location instead of a library building in the Event Location dropdown?
The best practice scenario for setting up offsite locations would be:
1. Create a location named Offsite
2. For each location, you can set up a room.
So if the visit the Fire station or the Local Park every 2 weeks then you would set up a room called 'Fire Station' at the location 'Outreach'.
These 'rooms' can be set up as a template - set one up and then you can reuse it.
Note that the Google link to the location doesn't work when using rooms, the workaround is to post the Google link to that particular location in the event description.