Hard Bounces management tracking
We've ran into difficulties trying to progressively clean up our bounces. Staff have to keep a google sheets to know what things have been corrected (unless they keep leap open as well and see if the patron has the "edited" in the notes). Would it be possible to evaluate some way to better manage the clean ups?
One idea offered was a check box for Resolved (Thanks Amy Al-Shabibi)
Sarah Kasprzak commented
Although it is nice to see the history of Hard Bounces when viewing a patron's activity details, it would be nice if a patron was no longer pulled up in a report of Hard Bounces once their record is updated and they are successfully receiving notices again. I would like to be able to know how many unresolved hard bounced email addresses are in the system at a given time, not the all time total of hard bounces.
Amy Al-Shabibi commented
Ha I just saw my name! You're welcome!
Kayla Payne commented
Yes! I came here to add a similar idea related to hard bounce management. Perhaps adding another column to the Notice Activity Logs/Hard bounce report that includes the last staff activity (profile update) related to bouncing. See attached screenshots for examples.
Eric Young commented
This is really important at the start of going live with LX Starter to help clean up records that may have not been well kept from a Polaris notice perspective.