Custom columns in record sets
To have the ability to choose what columns are used in record sets. This would be useful for daily inventory of items that we would need to know the due dates or other values. Currently, record sets are locked into a standard set of columns, some of which, most of us have no use for.
Idea Value
This would be a major time saver when analyzing inventory and statistics.
Erin Shield commented
C Mulder commented
We're testing out the weeding workflow in 7.5 and would like to be able to include Last Checkout Renew Date. Our Last Activity date is not an accurate indicator of the last circulation since that date changes with record modifications. Being able to customize what columns appear in record sets could solve this issue and allow us to use the workflow more easily.
Pam Wills commented
I agree with Anita. Customization allowing the user to determine what columns to include in the record set. Ideally the columns in the record set would match the columns selected when using the Find Tool. Additional columns to choose from would be great also, such as Email Address for Patron Record Sets and our libraries have requested the Author to display for Item Record Sets.
Anita Santoro commented
We're talking here about customization so that we each can determine what columns to include in our set, not just changing out the existing columns for another one and unchangeable set of columns for everyone in every situation, right?
When I envision custom columns in record sets I think of having a limited number of columns, but each column can be whatever I need it to be. Right now there are 12 columns in item record sets. When I run an item record report and create a record set from the results, I want the columns to match the columns in the report that was generated.
(for us, the record status and volume columns are absolutely necessary when doing bulk changes to item records, when deleting withdrawn items from the catalog, and when our selectors are using record sets for weeding purposes.) -
Fred Miller Jr commented
Definitely a Due Date column would be helpful. We don't really use the Volume and Record Status columns when searching for item records with the find tool.
Carl Ratz commented
Due date in the find tool or in an item record set would be very helpful.
Fred Miller Jr commented
I definitely would like to see a "Due Date" column available in the find tool when to display in the field of view for patron, bib, item records.
Anita Santoro commented
For item record sets, it would be very helpful to have available as options to include Stat code, Loan Period, hold indicator check boxes, non-circulating and display in PAC check boxes, public note, non-public note. I think selectors might also like to have the option to include in item record sets year-to-date circulation and lifetime circulation.
Ken Sawdon commented
Would it be possible to let users select "up to X" number of fields for the columns?
Hopefully retain that as a preference when opening new Record Sets of the same Type (Item, Patron, etc.). But, can be changed on the fly.
Emma Olmstead-Rumsey commented
I work mostly with patron record sets and the ones I would use the most that aren't currently in the display are:
-Last Activity date
-Fine amount
-Expiration dateOnes currently included that I never use:
-Street #1
-State -
AdminSamantha Quell (Admin, Innovative) commented
It's very difficult to estimate this as an infinite number of columns. It would help if those in support of this idea would comment with the columns they would like the option to add. (Due date is already mentioned in the description).