Better differentiation in holds checkout warning messages
Currently, the Sierra message that you're checking out a book that's on the holds shelf for someone else is almost identical to the message that someone has a hold on the title at a bib level, and it is extremely easy for harried, hurried staff to skip right over the more important message, that they're accidentally checking out the book to the wrong person, because they think that the message is not important. I would like a way to either differentiate those two messages in Sierra to be more clear, or to eliminate the message that says the book has a hold on it somewhere in the network.
Idea Value
This would help prevent checking out books on hold to the wrong patron, thus frustrating the patron whose holds have disappeared from the holds shelf. It would also help prevent staff from checking out holds to the wrong patron.
In accordance with the Idea Graduation Workflow guidelines agreed upon by Innovative and IUG, this idea has been closed because it was submitted more than two years ago and has not been selected for inclusion in the product.
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Sheryl VanderWagen commented
This is a really important distinction. In our consortium of 40 member libraries, the fact that there is a hold on that title somewhere else is not really important because our member library policies are to give it to the patron standing in front of them and let the hold elsewhere sit. I can see where the two messages are almost identical and if not read carefully could result in checking out a holdshelf item to the wrong patron. I don't see that the alert that tells the staff person there is a title level hold is needed, at least in our consortium. Whereas the alert telling staff that it is actually on the holdshelf for someone else is critical.
Tara Major commented
This has been an issue for us for such a long time!! Would love to see this change.
Rachel Alexander commented
I don't even understand the "hold exists for other patron" alert... Either I have the item in hand and it's going to the patron in front of me or the item IS on hold for the patron in front of me and Sierra thinks I need to know that other holds exist.