Manage Holds (view outstanding holds reports) should include INN-Reach items.
Currently to find a list of all INN-Reach items located on a branches holdshelf, not just expired ones is a difficult task. The Received Too Long report only allows you to sort by Patron Home Library which may not correspond to their hold pickup location. A person would need to run this report and look up each INN-Reach item to see if they are actually at the patrons home library, or a different branch. For library systems with multiple branches this is a time consuming process.
The Clear Expired Holds and Holdshelf Function only allows you to view expired INN-Reach items and not the INN-Reach items that are on the holdshelf, but not expired.
Adding INN-Reach items to the Holdshelf option so staff could view everything on their holdshelf not just items owned by their system would be immensely helpful. This is esepcially needed when items are missing from the holdshelf to accurately know what should be there and is not.
Idea Value
To get a list of INN-Reach items on a branches holdshelf the Received Too Long report would need to be run for 1 day. After the report is run every item would need to be looked up as Home Library and Pickup Location do not always match. For larger library systems with multiple branches this is an extremely time consuming process.
This alternately could require an Innovative help ticket to ask for the list to be created for a certain branch within the system. This causes wait time, and more work for Innovative support staff.
Adding INN-Reach items to the View Holdshelf options would help when items go missing from the holdshelf along with saving both library staff and Innovative time/work.