Browse Display in SDA - Allow Ability to Customize or Expand
We would like the ability to customize the "browse display" where the result of records show up after the indexed search. Specifically, we'd like the option to show fields that are only available if you make the effort to expand the display.
Currently, the description column shows the indexed entry, title, author, ISBN, Call Number and location. The pub year would be helpful (as would the 490) for when staff is asked for an author's next book in a series, and they don't know the series title, just the author's name. Especially authors who have multiple series. So for our purposes, we'd like the publication year and series title.
Yes, if you move the cursor (mouse pointer) over the circled ! graphic (which no one pays attention to/misses completely), the expanded record display will pop up in a separate window.
However, this still requires extra steps to simply see some basic information that we'd like our staff to see, at a glance.
Idea Value
Remove steps currently needed to see desired/necessary information in search results -- save time and frustration.
Alison Pruntel commented
I would like to add to this, as an example recently came up when trying to browse through a list of patrons. I would like staff, who don’t use Create Lists, to be able to search by a last name (use the n/name index) and quickly see which of the patrons with that last name live at a particular street address. Unfortunately, when I search for patrons by a last name in Sierra, I see:
Column 1 – Patron type;
Column 2 – Patron name (both last name first and first name last), barcode and phone – no address;
Column 3 – Home library;
Column 4 – Patron message
When I hover over the little letter I for more information, get a bunch of information (patron number, checkouts, etc.), but no address.The only way I can see the address is by clicking/selecting individual patrons and reviewing the record, adding more steps/clicks and basically wasting a lot of time. I should at least be able to see the address, a basic element, when I hover over the information icon.