Sierra 6.2 - Encore request box character limit improvement
Currently we are having a problem when our readers fill in the Encore request note box. There is a hard limit of 125 characters which our readers routinely blast through. In trying to solve this problem, we have added a more descriptive label to the box (saying that the message has to be limited to 125 characters), but still the readers expect us to receive the information that they have typed in beyond the 125 character limit - the request box will allow them to add it in, but won't transmit this information to the library.
The help desk told us we should add this to the idea exchange as Encore is not technically broken.
Ideally, we'd like the 125 character limit to be enforced (ie the box will not accept more than 125 characters. Or increase the size of the box so that it can receive the long winded messages of our readers and transmit it to our customer service staff.

This idea has been included in Encore 6.2.