Automatically email Manage Holds results to library staff
Have the results of Manage Holds automatically emailed each morning.
This would let staff pick holds even if they don't have Sierra open or available. The automated emails could be set up within the Manage Holds function itself, or could be accomplished if Scheduler worked with Manage Holds (right now Scheduler only works with Create Lists and Data Exchange).

Lisa Motschke commented
Would love the option to choose to email a List created via Scheduler. There are many use cases beyond the Manage Holds example.
Nicole Turzillo commented
We have too many libraries in a consortium to use Scheduler to email a Manage Holds report. The libraries do not have access, and we can't maintain scheduler jobs for 53+ libraries. It would be more beneficial if it functioned like Decision Center Reports. Users set up the parameters and can add multiple email addresses for each report. This also allows each library to select its filters. They don't all use Manage Holds in the same way.