Penalty points for patrons who reserve books and then don't pick them up at the library
Currently, on Sierra it is possible to block patrons based on overdue penalty points (OD PENALTY) when they check in or renew overdue items. This is done with the patron fixed field OD PENALTY. The system calculates the penalty points that have to be added to the patron record and when a patron exceeds the maximum number of penalty points allowed by the library, the patron is blocked. More info at
THis feature is very useful. Wouldn't it be a good idea to be able to apply a similar strategy for patrons that request a hold on a bib/item and afterwards do not show up in the library to pick it. Preparing the items in the holdshelf, and also sending the item from one branch to the other in case an ILL is needed, represents work, time and costs to the organization. It should exist a way to apply penalty points to patrons in those cases.

This idea will be reviewed by the Innovative product team for consideration in planning the upcoming product roadmap.