New Linked Patron logic : Link a patron record to a second patron with no reciprocal link.
Why is it important to link patrons?
- Without linked patron functionality someone that is authorized to pick up a hold on another account is complicated. This is manually done by staff using patron notes, and the authorized patron signs out the book leaving the original hold on the other patron record.
- Parents visiting the library with children would like to jump to the record of each child rather than using the child’s cards.
Current privacy and circulation workflow issues:
- Someone could link to the child record without authorization. If a patron is sharing their circulation details with someone, they should initiate the link.
- Circ staff have to assume that patrons who are linked together have given permission for the others to manage their accounts.
- Two divorced parents may want to be linked to their children’s accounts but not to each other's.
Proposed recommendations:
Parent A could have child A, B, C linked.
Parent B could have child B linked.
Parent A cannot see Parent B details (and vice versa)
Parent A can see child A, B, C details.
Parent A or B can see child B details.
Unless there is a link set from the child’s account to the parent’s account, none of the children should be able to see the Parent details.
We would like the ability to delete any patron even if they are linked to another.
We would also like to see the link relationship in the patron account details of checked out items (grouped by patron).
This idea will be reviewed by the product management team for possible inclusion in a future release.