More Complete Status Information on Tabs
The following three status are currently used in Vega:
Checked Out
While Available and Checked Out provide good information for patrons. Unavailable does not. We'd love to be able to map additional Polaris Circulation Statuses either for display or as an addendum to Unvailable.
Primarily the Polaris Circulation Statuses for Held, On Order, and In Process are valuable at-a-glance information for patrons to have.
Given that multiple items can be on a single record there would need to be a ranking system for some statuses.
Eileen Keller commented
We're a Sierra library, but would really like more granularity in the status of the items. We have specific statuses, like See Librarian, that aren't "This is available and on the shelf" but also not "This is unavailable and you can't access it" .The current display is to vague and can be confusing to patrons.
Amanda Gilbertie commented
I would much prefer that the tab read "On Hold" rather than "Unavailable" when an item is on the hold shelf. To me, unavailable infers that the item cannot be requested or accessed at all. Seeing that may prevent patrons from even attempting to place a hold, whereas, "On Hold" makes it clear that the item exists and that a patron may place a hold.