Create new role for read-only user
LX Starter new role read-only user as Library Page able to view user statistics have access to all links Delivery Rate, Bounce Rate, Fail to Send and Marked as Spam and ability to correct those users only.
Read-only user has No Access, Notice Settings, Edit Template, Publish Template, and All Library Settings in LX Starter.
Hello, we've made changes to user roles in LX Starter with more roles planned for the future.
Reviewer (formerly Librarian) is our "read-only" user role.
We plan on adding a publisher role and a creator role in the future.
Publisher: Allowed to edit notice design blocks and templates, publish/unpublish notices, view only access to library settings
Creator: Allowed to edit notice design blocks and templates, not allowed to publish/unpublish notices, view only access to library settings
Sarah Kasprzak commented
I agree with Alison that a clear definition for each role would be helpful. It would be great to be able to toggle on and off permissions by user. If that isn't possible, separate users as follows:
Super admin - access to all LX Starter admin and ability to create and edit user access
Marketer - access to design, edit and publish notices, upload images, etc. (but no access to Audience data other than an overview of notice performance)
Librarian - access to Audience info, including the ability to see the contents of sent notices and update email addresses and notice preference but no access to creating or editing sequences.
Eric Young commented
I too would like to have the Marketer role be available in LX Starter, without having to also have Vega Promote. We too have a marketing staff that should have design rights for notices but should not have admin settings or access to all of the patron data.
When Consortia features are released, we would need affiliate library leadership to have access to just their branch settings.
Alison Pruntel commented
First - define the roles somewhere. It sounds like unless you're a super admin, you basically have access to everything but assigning Users access. I would also like to have the Marketer role be available in LX Starter, without having to also have Vega Promote. We have a marketing person designing the notices, who doesn’t deal with admin things or with patrons, and shouldn’t really have access to all of that patron data.
Pam Wells commented
This is super important, especially for libraries that have staff members from different branches needing to access the logs. It could be a liability if someone puts verbiage in a notice that is not permitted. The ability to insert information in a notice has to be limited to a designated few.