85 results found
link back to ILS for notice settings not included in LXStarter
Something in LXStarter that might direct staff back to the ILS to troubleshoot or update things not handled directly by LXStarter... for instance the Notices function in Sierra, that determines which notices the ILS will queue up/run.
Just as a prompt to ensure staff adding or updating notices will know to check that system function during troubleshooting before escalating and sending in a support ticket.
Like a pop when you publish a notice... Check ILS Notices to ensure this notice is Enabled and Scheduled.
7 votes -
Better invite for staff that is customizable by customer
Particularly important to consortia who have many staff to onboard...
It would be great to customize the staff login welcome with links to documentation, local contacts and urls.
4 votes -
Remove the clutter and prioritize the view
LX starter provides more notice templates than any libray likely uses.
At the Super Admin view, you should be able to supress view access to sites for all templates that are not supported by loan rules and or local polices.
At the site Admin the same should be available - the site admin should be able to suppress the menu items that are not relevant
All staff should be ablet to organize their own menu view of templates, or default to the edit date.
15 votes -
Create a different template for repeat bills
Add the ability to create a template specifically for repeated bills. This would allow us to send a different message for a reminder bill than what we sent in the original bill. This is would be similar to how we are able to create different templates for 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc Overdue Notices.
19 votes -
Add Merge Tag to show sample of how hold is filed on shelf
For enhanced privacy, we have configured Polaris Hold Tag to file patron holds under 2 characters of last name, first initial(s) and then last 4 digits of barcode number. We would love to have a merge tag that can pull in the "Hold Tag" template from Polaris that we can title "Filed Under" so patrons will know in advance what information they will need to locate their hold on our shelf.
6 votes -
Add notices for Interlibrary Loan
Add notices for Interlibrary loan to LX Starter. Patrons are commonly ignoring ILL pickup notices. A flashier email might grab their attention.
13 votes -
Social Media Icons
A few suggestions:
1) Allow customizable colors using the swatch in 'Icon Type' so we can better match our theme
2) Remove the Tinder icon
3) Add a Podcast icon4 votes -
Patron Expiration Date Merge Tag
We'd like to be able to add the expiry date into some of our notices to help patrons be more proactive with their account management.
17 votes -
resend notices
The ability to retry sending a notice after you update an email address. I deal with student patron records. We send all notices to the students email accounts - however, after they are no longer a student there student email is shut off. However, many if not all of them have alternative email addresses in their student records. So we could resend the notice to the alt-email.
19 votes -
Ability to upload fonts
Ability to upload fonts under Library Settings, same as images and colours.
15 votes -
Allow option for Bounced email note in Polaris to be a blocking note
Allow the option for libraries to have the automated bounced note added to Polaris client patron record when email is hard bounced to be a blocking note. The blocking note alerts staff to verify the email information when the patron is standing in front of them.
12 votes -
Add "Reason", "Additional Info", and "Charging Library/Branch" Merge Tags to Manual Bills
Please add essential merge tags—"Reason", "Additional Information", and "Charging Library/Branch"—to the Manual Bill feature in LX Starter for Polaris libraries. These tags are fundamental to our billing processes and are conspicuously absent, impeding our ability to relay comprehensive billing details to patrons as is standard in Polaris' Manual Bill, as per the documentation in Polaris Staff Client Help - Bill a charge manually to a patron account (https://documentation.iii.com/polaris/7.5/Default.htm#PolarisStaffHelp/Patron_Services/PPuseacct/BillChargeManu.htm)
It's also come to our attention that Sierra libraries are encountering similar issues with missing merge tags, as highlighted in the idea titled "Library Name, Library Address, Branch Name, Branch…
27 votes -
library_name, library_address, branch_name & branch_address available in all Notices
I was informed by support that the new Fines, Bills & Fines, and Manual Fines available in the Sierra version of LX Starter do not allow the use of the merge tags "libraryname, libraryaddress, branchname and branchaddress." There might be other merge tags also not available in these notices. Support said, "the new notice types differ from the original ones in that they do not support the libraryname and libraryaddress merge tags. The product team decided to change the merge tag design when implementing the new notice types. This is an intentional design decision…
13 votes -
Branch Phone Number Merge Tag
If possible, I would like to see a merge tag for a branch's phone number. Right now, I have a link to our locations page with the contact info, but it would be nice to be able to put the branch phone number on the notice so patrons don't have to go to a different page to get it.
13 votes -
Allow "admin" level users to send password reset links.
They can create and remove accounts but if someone they created doesn't click the link in time they need a super admin to resend that email.
16 votes -
Increase Notices Subject Line 78 characters to 100 characters
Increasing LX Stater Notice Subject Line from the new 78 characters limitation to 100 characters. The added characters in the Subject Line will benefit other languages than English that utilize more characters for the same message.
13 votes -
Regionalize alphanumeric date format in multilingual notices
Currently, LX Starter uses a single date format "across all notice emails". However, libraries sending multilingual notices may require alphanumeric dates which are tailored to the correct regional format on a per-language basis.
In Canada, for example, dates are rendered in French as "le 11 septembre 2023" and in English as "September 11, 2023" rather than "September 11th, 2023" as currently configurable in LX Starter.
While it is possible to use the "yyyy-mm-dd" numeric format as a workaround, LX Starter also suppresses the month's leading zero (i.e., "2023-9-08") which also conflicts with the bilingual numeric date format prescribed for use…
11 votes -
Ability to create folders in Design Blocks creation
Our library offers multiple languages, it would be efficient and a better UX experience to create folders that the user can then go in and create blocks tailored to it.
For organization, it would make sense to create a folder- ex. Spanish blocks > add/create all spanish content blocks.
The design blocks doesnt have a search function, so I have to go through and find what it is I'm looking for.
18 votes -
Activity Log Sorting
This is a very minor cosmetic request, but I'd appreciate it if the 'Show x per page' drop down in the Notice Activity Logs could appear at the top of the page instead of or in addition to the bottom.
We have enough bounced messages daily that we inevitably have to select 'show 50 per page' or 'show 100 per page,' & it would be nice to not have to first scroll to the bottom of the page to set that view option.
9 votes -
Patron choice for full account visibility with each notice sent
We have received feedback from patrons regarding post-introduction of LX Starter, and one common complaint is that the new emails do not display the complete details of all items currently checked out on their account. While this change appeared logical to most patrons, as they only receive notifications for items requiring action, some individuals are still dissatisfied that we no longer send the full account information with each notification. To address this issue, implementing a feature in 'My Account' that allows patrons to toggle between receiving complete account details or streamlined notifications would be a valuable addition, helping to minimize…
17 votes
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