Patron Preferred Pronouns (Polaris)
We would like an optional field in the patron record for preferred pronouns. This field should be available at the top of all patron registration views near Last name, First name, Title etc. It should be available to display on the Patron Status and Check-out screens via System Administration under Parameters, Patron Services, Check-out: Optional patron data. We would also like to be able to display it on phone notices, but not mailers.
Idea Value
As our libraries strive to be more inclusive, we would like a way to record the patron's preference other than using a note field which pops up or another field buried in the patron record.
Dylan commented
We would like to have this as well, but would also like the pronouns easily available and viewable at a glance on Leap as it makes it easier for our staff to address people with proper pronouns.
I would suggest having the pronouns listed beside the Patrons name, or within the Info box that is available when hovered over on the patron profile in leap. (picture attached for reference)