Enable floating limits for collection and material type simultaneously
As a multi-branch system that floats some of our collections, we desperately need a way to set limits on the number of copies on shelf without giving up our ability to set limits on overall floating collection size. Currently in Polaris you must choose one limit or the other. Being able to spread copies throughout our system makes them more available for discovery and increases circulation.
Roseanne Bromberg commented
Adding this functionality would be life changing for my library system. As a 9 branch library that floats all youth materials, we spend countless hours each week manually rebalancing and shifting items across branches to alleviate pooled duplicate copies, which takes away from time and energy we could be using to address other collection management issues.
Amy Lauder commented
It would be very helpful to us to be able to set both the collection size for a branch and the number of copies! Right now we have to deduplicate and redistribute extra copies manually.
Matthew Reed commented
This would be great to have as we are currently looking into and testing using floating via collection but without the ability to then have the material type limit, this will cause issues with our smaller branches having shelves clogged with multiple of the same title.
Susan Millwater commented
We've struggled with this limitation for years. Floating by collection is important/necessary for some items, whereas, floating by material type is better for others. Also, we're in a consortium and it is a systemwide setting. Not all member libraries have the same philosophy about floating so it is problematic.
Maria commented
This is very important to reduce the amount of items that go unused because they remain stuck in one location and therefore seen by a fraction of users.
Mark Kaplan commented
This is extremely important as duplicates reduce the amount of unique material our patrons see and have a choice of while browsing our shelves. Please fix this soon!
Rory Brown commented
Not having this functionality is terrible in a large system with many branches.