PAC: Banner message for closures
Libraries need a way to quickly alert communities to closures during an emergency across all PAC pages. A banner appears across all pages of the PAC and is easily edited.

Zachary Burnham commented
We frequently experience emergency closures in winter due to weather conditions. Implementing this communication method would be an effective way for us to keep our patrons informed during such scenarios.
Emma Olmstead-Rumsey commented
Adding myvoice to the other comments. Many of our patrons believe our catalog IS our website, and the only way to reach them online is to display information directly on the catalog homepage as this would allow.
You can SORT OF do this now by adding a custom PAC banner, but it is very finicky, especially if you are hosted, and requires your library to have someone able to make a graphic that fits Polaris's requirements and a sysadmin who can quickly access this area at short notice.
Anita Falltrick commented
Many of our patrons link directly to the catalog rather than our website. This is a vital method of communication for emergency or Link+ being down.
Tasha Graziani commented
We have many patrons who link directly to our PAC and bypass the main website completely. To be able to communicate emergency closure information to them through the PAC would be hugely helpful.
AdminSamantha Quell (Admin, Innovative) commented
This was a previous Idea Lab challenge winner that was not migrated to Idea Exchange. I'm adding it now to support voting for the new enhancement process.