Auto Trim trailing spaces from varfields
It's quite easy when entering data into varfields across the record types of Sierra to inadvertently include some trailing spaces, particularly when cutting and pasting text. I don't believe there is any value in retaining those excess spaces and they can cause problems with various tasks such as SQL searches and global updates if those invisible characters are not accounted for.
I'd like to suggest that whenever text is entered into a varfield and the record is saved, that a right trim is performed upon that field to remove any trailing spaces.
Idea Value
Excess spaces and they can cause problems with various tasks such as SQL searches and global updates if those invisible characters are not accounted for. Preemptively removing those characters will make those sorts of tasks more reliable to perform.

This idea would need to be refined to be implemented in Sierra. The idea would need to be implemented on a system-wide basis and thought would need to be given to whether there are use cases where trailing spaces would need to be retained.
This idea will be archived for future reference and may be re-considered for a future release.
Jeremy Eden commented
This is important for all the reasons listed but it should also include trimming all extra spaces because I have seen extra space before, after and within Call#s. There is no need to store these in the Sierra database in any varfield not just Call# and barcodes. I have had issues with the Sierra APIs with this in various fields and it affects sorting as well. I hope this idea is reconsidered on it's importance.
Kimberly Allen commented
A serious want. We have seen hidden spaces in call numbers, barcodes and volume designations as well as in internal/custom notes. It causes issues in searching. When we need to find and export data, we either have to account for it in SQL or add a layer of trim work in Excel before we can use the data. This solves a headache that I frequently encounter.
Sheryl VanderWagen commented
I've only encountered situations with trailing spaces in barcode fields in connection with patrons' ability to authenticate through one of the system's api's. I have eliminated many trailing spaces at the end of barcode fields when we've gotten reports that a patron couldn't authenticate on some third party application. Some of those applications ignore trailing spaces but others don't so if we could have a way to eliminate all trailing spaces on the Sierra side, that would solve those issues.