System Option to Disable Transit Slip Printing by Default
In our library, all in-transit items are put into a single bin at the check-in location to be picked up and run through a central sorter which separates them by destination. This workflow doesn't require the use of transit slips, so our staff are trained to choose not to print one when prompted at check-in.
Having to choose "no" at check-in for each item can become onerous when staff are checking in many items, but currently the only alternative is to have the system automatically print a transit slip for every item — which would simply be a waste of paper for us. We'd like to have a system option to NOT print a transit slip by default so staff can page through multiple pop-ups efficiently. Ideally, this option would be controllable by the library in case we need to temporarily re-enable transit slips, e.g. if the sorter goes down.