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ILS - Polaris


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  1. Occasionally, we have an issue where an ILL has been checked out to a patron, checked back in, and needs to be put back on hold for a patron. But there is not an option to in the system. For example, in the linked images, the patron thought there was something wrong with the ILL, returned it, and we were going to reorder it. But we realized what the issue was after it had been checked back in. We were not able to replace the hold on the item showing available. We even went in to the item record to…

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  2. Include past bill information in the Item Record - paid and unpaid

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  3. In the Item tab of the popup window for a patron's overdue charge properties, the "Check Out date" indicates the item's last renewal date, rather than its actual check out date. A more helpful date to see would be the original check out date; this would also better suit the title for this line.

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  4. When downloading a record, have a setting that automatically removes certain lines (like 650s with a second indicator of 6).

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  5. When creating a new item record on a bib, it would be wonderful if while typing in the volume field, Leap automatically suggested volumes from other items attached to that particular bib. This would help ensure standardization of how the volume is entered on each item record (eg. V.1 vs V. 1 vs. V.01) while also allowing the libraries to add a new volume number for volumes 2, 3, etc. since it would suggest while typing rather than changing the volume field to be a drop down menu of pre-defined options.

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  6. Ability to have Polaris/LEAP send patrons an eReceipt for items they've returned.

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  7. When creating a new account in Leap, it would be helpful if when the date of birth was less than 18 years from the registration date AND a patron code for adult patrons was selected, that an alert would display prior to saving, as we see for missing DOBs or other fields.

    It should not be a hard block, as it is possible for someone under 18 to register as an adult, but the alert would catch attention to remind staff to confirm/correct during the registration process.

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  8. Scenario:
    1. An item that has been trapped and is (most often) sent from another library to fill a hold for pickup at another branch.
    2. The Hold is put on the shelf for the customer at a branch.
    3. After X days, it shows up on the Unclaimed list.
    4. Staff go to the shelf to remove it, but it is not there.
    5. Staff check the system - the item has not been checked out by anyone (sometimes customer are confused and think a hold is actually already checked out to them a la picking up an online…

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  9. When using the "Reset Password" option on a patron's account, it would be very useful to have a checkbox option to display the password that is being typed instead of a series of dots. By obscuring the password when typing we have found that our staff may accidentally leave caps lock on or type something incorrect - they would like the option to see what they are typing in these fields. Once the password is set, we of course do not want the ability to view the password after the fact - leave it securely encrypted in the database. This…

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  10. When items are checked out through SIP2, Polaris includes the "You just saved __ by using the library" text in the response. However, this information is not available when using the ItemCheckout method through PAPI.

    As we start moving vendors away from SIP2 and towards PAPI, we'd like to replicate the functionality of SIP2.


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  11. Central Coast Library service wish to engage in EDI based acquisitions with this supplier

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  12. Central Coast Library service wish to engage in EDI based acquisitions with this supplier

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  13. We would like to be able to adjust the timeout in Leap after inactivity ourselves. Currently, we have to contact support to do this after each upgrade, since it resets itself. If the setting was in SA, we could reset it ourselves after each upgrade.

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  14. I came across this report using a bar chart to reflect the Total Number of Items Added. Our staff would love the ability to create statistical reports and display them as bar, line, and or pie charts.

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  15. Sometimes libraries leave a consortium. Sometimes a branch is closed or merged into another branch. And after the Polaris ILS Admin takes care of clearing out all the bib, item, and patron data... the branches and libraries remain in System Administration.

    Just sitting there and doing nothing.

    I know it's a huge pain to remove a branch or library from Polaris and I know there's likely an extra cost to it because it's such an involved process.

    So add the ability to hide them instead.

    That way, when a library leaves the system, you're not wading through the settings and…

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  16. The Jacksonville Public Library leverages the Polaris API to manage student records. Currently we have to take an extra step in the LEAP UI to set the communication preferences. We don't bill students or send their accounts to collections, so we have to do a bulk update of all the records with the UI after already touching every record with the API. This is cumbersome because there are over 100,000 student records that need to be updated. Most updates are smaller, but at the start of the school year we do a full refresh.

    We would like to be able…

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  17. Hold duplicate detection has a flaw that allows duplicate hold requests to be placed on the same titles. The detection seems to apply on title and author information stored with the hold request (apparently on the SysHoldRequestSearchTerms table), which stores point-in-time title/author details that may change if the bib record is overlayed or edited.

    This idea is for improving the duplicate detection to fix this gap, but also any similar gaps I may be missing where title-related data is stored separately when the hold is created, and referenced by the dupe detection (I'm not seeing separate tables storing elements like…

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  18. Across our consortium, we have some library staff who exclusively use Leap, some who exclusively use the Remote Client, and some who use both depending on the task.

    Currently, there is only one system-level setting responsible for the Visual Alert Configuration (top banner color) in Leap & the Remote Client. Unfortunately, this doesn’t work well given that Leap has a light font color and the Client has a dark font color across the top, so to achieve an ideal level of contrast for both versions simultaneously is impossible.

    To improve accessibility for all users, regardless of the version of Polaris…

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  19. We would like Polaris to transition items with a Circulation Status of Claim Returned and Claim Never Had to Withdrawn after a specified number of days. We envision this working like Lost Item Transition and the Missing Item Transition.

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    Adding this feature would allow a library to automatically remove items from patron view and allow for a more streamline process for deleting item records.

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  20. Currently, a library may limit an item to be holdable for pickup at a single branch location. This setting allows the item to be limited to pick up at the item's assigned branch only. While this feature may work for single-branch libraries, it does not function in a practical way for multi-branch libraries. Expanding this feature to have a library-level option would increase the usability of this setting.

    Example 1: Library A has 3 branches. They want to make their mobile hotspots holdable for pickup at any of their 3 branches. They do not want their hotspots to be placed…

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