Open and edit patron record from item record
When viewing an item record, you can double click on the patron# and you can view the patron record of the person who currently has the item on loan. It would be good to also be able to have the option to actually edit the patron record, and to also be able to access what they currently have checked out.
Idea Value
This would negate having to have another Sierra session open and do a separate search for the patron's record so as to check what else they might have on loan, and/or to amend their record/add a message etc. A situation which seems to occur quite a lot especially when following up on overdue items, holds, etc., and the extra steps involved in doing another search for the patron so as to access their record to edit it, is time consuming and frustrating.

This idea was selected in MEEP voting for Sierra 6.5.
Alison Pruntel commented
Functional requirements need to include the ability to edit the patron record, etc., from a review file. That's when we find this the most frustrating. I hope that's possible, can't tell by the description below.
MEEP candidate for the Sierra 6.5 release
Functional Requirements (what does it need to do?)
• An authorized staff user will be able to click on a link to the patron in the item record and navigate to the full patron record in the Check Out (Circulation Desk) function.
• The staff user will be able to edit the patron record, view/manage fines, holds, checked out items – the same as if they had opened the patron record in the Check Out function.
• A user who is not authorized to access the Check Out (Circulation Desk) function will see an override prompt that allows an authorized user to login and continue with the workflow. -
MEEP candidate July 2024
Kimberly Allen commented
I occasionally volunteer at the circ desk when we are short staffed and I was astounded that this functionality wasn't already baked in. I also concur with Alison that we should be able to open/edit a patron record in a review file.
Patricia R Stockbridge commented
This would definitely save time. The two suggestions below would also be great.
Tara Major commented
I would also like to be able to open the patron record from the Check in (No Patron) screen by double clicking on their name and then have access to their checkouts/holds/fines, etc. This would eliminate the step of having to change to the Circulation Desk screen, and enter their information in the search bar to pull up their account.
Alison Pruntel commented
This would certainly save a lot of time. Would also like to be able to open the patron record (and edit) from a review file.