Message about duplicate hold
When patrons try to place a hold on something they already have placed a hold on, instead of getting a message that they already have a hold, they receive the message,
"Your request for this material was unsuccessful
Couldn't find suitable edition for the request"
We would like to be able to edit this message to let them know they already have a hold and cannot place a second hold on the same record.

Vanessa Schwegman commented
This "suitable editions" message is really confusing to patrons. We'd love to edit this message to offer a more obvious error reason that is self-explanatory (as opposed to one that causes them to ask us and also confuse our staff). Hopefully, this message is not used in more than one context.
Christine Sneed commented
The ability to edit this message would help to clear up confusion for patrons.
Paula Gray-Overtoom commented
This message is confusing. Some patrons do not see the text that they already have a hold and this message doesn't explain why they are unable to place a hold.