Print options for Vega Results and Patron Info

danielle ruiz commented
For all the functionality Vega offers, this is one that I'm surprised doesn't exist. Customers need printing options for their lists, etc.
Julie Haase commented
Our customers need to be able to print.
Danielle Stanley commented
It's kind of crazy how you can't print anything from Vega! We need this functionality.
Paula Gray-Overtoom commented
We've had a number of patrons who want to print out their list of checkouts. Ideally, there would be a print button that would print the whole list in a compact display. Really patrons should have print options for any information in their bookshelf.
Grace commented
I would like the bookshelf option much better if when I open a themed bookshelf to look at titles, it also includes the call number and circ status.
C Mulder commented
REQUEST: Email function sends full list (bookmarks, reading history, saved search) in printer friendly text format instead of a link back to My Bookshelf.
Job Story: As a patron, I can email the printer-friendly version of titles on My Bookshelf.Acceptance Criteria
Email is added as an option to the three print views
Reading History
Saved Search
Emailing sends the print view
Patron is prompted to enter an email address to send the results toCLARIFICATION:
Any sorts applied before emailing/printing will be the same as the display page.
The limit of 100 is to prevent email bounces, encourage more responsible printing, and manage Network costs.This idea came from: -
Lauren Douglass commented
We were on Encore and now are on Vega. Patrons very much miss the "Print" link that allowed patrons to easily print their checked out items.
Sarah Kasprzak commented
Since going live with Vega, we have had a number of complaints about the inability to print lists of items. As others mention, patrons would like to be able to print their checkouts, holds, reading history, etc. Patrons and staff would also find it useful to be able to print out showcase lists. Ideally, such lists would print in a condensed, textual list, including title, author and call number.
Alison Pruntel commented
I just had someone come up to me to complain (again) about the inability to print out her checkouts (in this case a large number of picture books) and getting all the images (and header) and multiple pages. In the Classic WebPAC, she can print out the titles, etc., just text and it's only a couple of pages. With Vega, it's 6 pages and the header repeats on each page, images use up a lot of space. She just wants to print out a list (text only) so she can walk around her house and find the picture books. She does not want to have to use the mobile app to do this, wants it on paper.
Lisa Coker commented
Multiple patrons have requested being able to print out their checkouts and reading histories.