Include wildcard search option or browse option for call number searching
Currently call number searching only works if you search a call number exactly and in its entirety. Ideally, one should be able to do a browse search or use a wild card in a call number search

Margaret Rose O'Keefe commented
Might I add that it also shouldn't be case sensitive? (I was told that searching "FIC" isn't the same as searching "fic".)
jennyz zhou commented
critical to have this
Jennifer O'Donnell commented
Partial call number search is crucial for call number searching to be useful.
Lisa Bondy commented
This is a must have as a cataloger. I often use call number, or partial call number, searches to see where we have similar items shelved in our collection. I hope this enhancement will be made possible for Vega.
Robert Drake commented
Without this, call number searching is frankly useless.
Julie Schoen commented
This would help us and our patrons immensely.
Pamela Miskoci commented
Partial call number search is extremely important for patron use
Katie Bradley commented
We need to be able to search by partial call numbers, like we could in Encore. The very specific search allowed in Vega is not very useful.
Merideth Willett commented
I agree with all the comments already posted.
Laurie Shedrick commented
You have to just about be a library professional, work closely with call numbers or be clairvoyant to peg a perfect match on a call number in our system. A wildcard would resolve that issue, allowing patrons to make use of the call number search.
Julie Knutsen commented
We & our patrons need the ability to search this way.
Paul Hancock commented
I'm a little surprised this wasn't a Day One feature.
Amy Stults commented
Searching by call number is pointless if you have to enter the entire string of characters. This search should function so that customers can browse the shelves virtually.
Julie Haase commented
What is the point of searching a call number if you have to search the whole thing?
Alison Pruntel commented
I am not even going to bother telling staff (and patrons) that they can search by call number, because the requirement to enter a call number in its entirety is pretty ridiculous. It needs to work like it does in classic WebPAC - it's an index, part of the drop-down choices, and you can search for partial.
Carolyn Coulter commented
this is necessary to make this function truly useful.