Improve Leap Offline by not relying on saved data in the browser cache
Some libraries use tools like Deep Freeze (that discard any changes to previous work sessions) or manage settings so that browser caches are cleared when closed or when the user logs out. Since Leap Offline stores data transactions in the browser cache, anything that is not uploaded to the database will be lost in such occurrences.
Margaret Rose O'Keefe commented
Yes, please!
Sarah St. Martin commented
As mentioned by others, we have libraries who use Leap for circulation, but revert to the offline client because of the fear of loosing data.
Eric Young commented
I agree with the comments above. Leap offline is not a reliable solution for our library. We need a better way to work offline without risking our transactions.
Alison Hoffman commented
Due to the risk of data loss, we cannot consider Leap offline a viable option at this time. Not relying on saved data in the browser cache would be a significant improvement.
Amy Mihelich commented
We are a cooperative library system and have 14 member libraries, each with their own IT support and each with their own desktop security and browser settings. (Which we aren't able to control.) The concern about working offline in leap and losing data if the cache is cleared has been a hurdle to libraries adopting Leap at the circ desk.
Emma Olmstead-Rumsey commented
We use Leap exclusively for front-line work EXCEPT we still use the offline version of the Polaris client for this very reason. We struggle whenever we go offline because our staff is no longer familiar with the client at all. It's as though they are being asked to use two completely unrelated systems that just happen to access the same databases. It would be great if Leap Offline could be modified to reduce the risk of losing transactions.
AdminWes Osborn (Admin, Innovative) commented
Saving the information in the browser cache could lead to catastrophic data loss. This renders the offline capabilities of Leap as unusable in many organizations.