Polaris 7.8 - Improve Receipt Printing from Leap
Currently printing receipts from the Leap web app is unideal, requiring either significant manual intervention from the user or extensive browser tweaks to get it operable. A background desktop client (similar to JSPrintManager) could handle the printing far better than the browser does natively.

Tasha Graziani commented
We recently began using the Epson Restick printer for our holds pickup slips. If we were working in the client environment, any workstation could check in a hold and have it automatically print to the Epson, staff would not need to toggle between printers or choose to print the slip. Our circulation staff works exclusively in LEAP on Chrome. They can still print to the networked Epson, but must change printers and choose to print the slip. Not onerous, but not ideal. It would significantly increase efficiency (and circ satisfaction) if the Epson Restick functionality were also available in LEAP.
Ashley Ball commented
The struggle with receipt printing is the biggest reason that staff have resisted using Leap and continue to use the staff client. Addressing this is paramount.
Diana commented
We are hoping to go live with Leap at our circulation points in 2024 and working receipt printers are necessary.
Alison Hoffman commented
Yes please! As others have mentioned, problems and frustrations with printing from Leap are one of the biggest hurdles to libraries considering a transition from the staff client to Leap.
Jennifer Hoffman commented
This is super important. The awkwardness around Leap printing is one of the biggest points of resistance for adoption across our 27 branch system. It is hard to convince people that Leap is an improvement when the very basic processing and transaction work they do in the ILS has become less efficient due to printing issues.
Beth Lane commented
Yes, please - temporarily using someone else's workstation to check in materials means a lot of setup to get the receipts printing properly.
Lynn Reynish commented
Yes please! It's ridiculous how many problems receipt printing in Leap causes.
Susan Millwater commented
As I mentioned at IUG2023 conference, receipt printing is the biggest obstacle for switching from the client to Leap. To get this fixed would be HUGE!
Eric Young commented
100+%, please improve this relationship. I know the small number votes and comments on this idea are not the only folks dealing with the frustration.
Greg Ramage commented
100% agree, this would be a wonderful improvement to Leap!
AdminWes Osborn (Admin, Innovative) commented
Also, RFID, which is only used by a small percentage of customers has a Leap helper app. Why shouldn't printing, which is likely used by 99% of customers also have a helper app to make it better?
AdminWes Osborn (Admin, Innovative) commented
Yes!!!! This is one of the biggest hurdles to getting Leap adopted. And none of the browser solutions is ideal. If you do kiosk printing for receipts, then report printing doesn't work well. I know there was an idealized world where printing wouldn't be needed anymore but we've been testing the limits of that for the past decade and it just isn't a reality, even post COVID. It is simply the best solution in most cases to print out a hold pull list rather than lugging around a heavy AND expensive tablet/laptop. And most customers prefer a printed receipt even in a fine-free world. Please help make Leap printing better.
Katie Puckett commented
Receipt printing in Leap is one of the biggest hurdles to get over when transitioning away from the client. We still struggle to get receipt printers set up and working properly anytime we add a new workstation or have an update to Windows or Chrome. Besides the fact that having to deal with the print dialog box after every check in massively slows down our workflow. Improved receipt printing in Leap is one of the highest things on my Leap wish list!
Nathan Nguyen commented
This is easily the most frustrating thing about working with Leap. Hard yes!
Janet Ayles commented
More and more of our libraries are moving to Leap at the circulation desk, so improved receipt printing would make setup and configuration of printers so much easier. Great idea!