Add "max number of overdue items" column to patron block table
Many libraries have eliminated fines and they would like alternative ways to provide an incentive for patrons to return items. We would like the option to block patron circulation based on a Library determined number of overdue items. This rule could be added to the Patron Block table so that libraries could customize rule as necessary.
Idea Value: This new setting would provide an incentive for Customers to return their items.
Idea Value: We don't want to restrict the number of items a Customer can sign out, but want to restrict borrowing after a specific number of overdues.
Idea Value: Some libraries do not charge overdues but do charge a billing fee. Blocking the number of overdues a patron may have can prevent large, unexpected billing fees for those that have signed out more titles than they have kept track of.
Idea Value: We don't want to manage this manually. We shouldn't put staff in the position of evaluating whether a patron should be blocked.
Idea Value: Self checks would also automatically block patrons from checkout (and Customers could be redirected to Staff for more information).
Some Libraries do not want to set up "overdue penalty points".

Elizabeth Wright commented
Shawn - there was an idea like this that was closed (but had 25 votes) :
Shawn P. Farrell commented
This would be fantastic. At CHPL, we went fine free during the first summer of the pandemic & as much as that burden might have been lifted from the shoulders of delinquent patrons, it also means longer hold queues, more empty shelves, increased wait times & possibly even purchasing additional copies of something we already have, that we wouldn't likely see if patrons were more beholden to due dates.
We kind of do this already, using the highest level overdues to block borrowing at a certain point in the notice cycle, but would also like to see it based on the number of items.
I'm pretty sure I'd posted this idea previously, along with the addition of a block based on the number of items claimed returned, but neither came to fruition. Would love to see that change, giving fine free libraries more options to help improve materials recovery.