All metadata and content displayed for a work should use the same instance ISBN
Vega uses the newest edition of a book to retrieve the cover image from Syndetics. However the rest of the display data is not necessarily related to this newest book edition/instance record. For consistency, the Syndetics widget data and the displayed work metadata (author, title, 520 summary) should all be based on that same instance record.

Luke Patterson commented
one thing to note, I think NO series info should be displayed unless it is the same series info for ALL editions
Margaret Rose O'Keefe commented
I would actually ask that NO series info be displayed unless it's the same series info for all editions. (Barnes & Noble classics "series" doesn't apply to all editions so displaying it for the roll-up might make a patron think they will get that specific one, when it won't necessarily be the case, given how holds logic works regarding roll-ups.)
C Mulder commented
This came up in the MEEP vote -
It's a big one for discovery and display. Not just the series info but also the cover image, the description, the title field, etc. should all come from the same, consistent record. It would be ideal if these came from the physical, print edition of the work, not the newest. Often our newest is the audiobook CD or the Large Print and those are not what we want to display. -
Elaine Sloan commented
REQUEST: Use the same, logically chosen bibID for the display of all Work Level Metadata. (Note: this means rollup logic will be improved, and Vega will prefer the newest edition of physical formats of works rather than econtent records)
Job Story:
As a Vega Librarian I can expect that all metadata and enriched content displayed for a work is derived from the same edition as the cover image (based upon logic that prefers the newest edition of physical manifestations of works).Acceptance Criteria:
Link cover images in search results on click to FRC.
The ISBN selection order based on formats is currently books, ebooks, large print books, audiobook, eaudiobook, blu-ray, dvd, and any remaining instances choosing the one with latest pub date. Ebooks tend to have terrible data and should not be the second choice for the ISBN of truth.
USE books, large print books, audiobook, ebooks, eaudiobook, blu-ray, dvd, any remaining instances choosing the one with latest pub date.
Apply our ISBN selection logic for bookcover images to the following:
ISBN sent to Syndetics for Widget data
ISBN used to determine the WORK display details
publication date | language
Summary display
Series, use the data from the chosen instance only. Do not display a series gathered from a different format edition if the work instance doesn't have a viable series field.Modified from original idea:
Margaret Rose O'Keefe commented
Right now, when you search something like Jane Eyre (see screenshot), which has multiple editions, some of which are part of a "series", Vega Discover arbitrarily displays one of those series statements in the roll-up. We would like it to NOT display the series info when it doesn't apply to all editions of a work, since the roll-up is supposed to reflect what all the editions have in common, not just one particular edition's series info. It could likely make the user think, incorrectly, that if they place a hold, they will get that edition in that series, when in fact the system doesn't work that way.
Sarah Kasprzak commented
It would be great for libraries to choose their default priority order for formats (ie. physical book regular print first, then digital, etc.). We have also noticed that strange things pop up in the series field on the main resource card like a largeprint press series that only applies to the large print format.
Tomasz Kalata commented
Wish that logic was smarter and could pick up the the best elements from various instances/manifestations.
Mats Nordstrom commented
I agree. For us series-information also gets confusing sometimes when Vega pulls it from the Large print-edition for instance.
Charlotte Dorsey commented
The current default display of a rolled-up record pulls from the first record entered, meaning that the summary, title, etc. are not always from the preferred source. For example, in a work containing a print book, an e-book, and an e-audiobook, patrons would see the bibliographic information from the unedited e-book record because it was entered first, rather than the fully cataloged print book. It would be very helpful to be able to choose which instance of the work has its record displayed by default.
Lori Smith-Hoogasian commented
Print record cataloging is much preferred to Overdrive or other eformats, and should be the default for Vega displays in roll-ups.
Alison Pruntel commented
To piggyback on Jenna's comment below, we’ve been noticing that for titles where we have a print and then OverDrive records (eaudio and ebook), in the Vega results, the record display will not include the 520/summary, and usually there isn’t anything from Syndetics either (button linking to excerpt). This is usually newer materials and our minimal records from OverDrive haven’t been overlayed/updated yet. I usually learn of this when staff notices, often when we’re promoting something, like our book club list. I then go in and copy the 520 from the print (the more robust/better record) into the OverDrive records, run an extraction, to deal with it until our cataloger updates the records. A lot of extra work when the data is already there in the print version, which was cataloged before the ebook version.
Julie Haase commented
This is a really important piece. Our book records are almost always the most up-to-date while our e-book records are usually brief. We would love the ability to set which record gets the priority in the display.
Jenna Persick commented
Adding to my comment, we would love to be able to have a setting that allows us to choose how the metadata is prioritized. For instance, series information displays from large type records (pulled from 490, when it is just a publisher series Thorndike large print) on the main title screen which confuses patrons into thinking there is only a large type record (yes, there are tabs, but people don't notice that). We would love it if we could say use metadata from the book for all display first and only show metadata from the associated rollups if there is no book.
Jenna Persick commented
We run into this all the time where a rollup happens and the metadata seems to come from the eBook record rather than the book record. Our book records are almost always cataloged before our eBook records, and it is frustrating to see the eBook record data overriding the book data (especially the formatting of the title from the rather rough imported eBook record).
Dustin Ludeman commented
This is especially problematic when different works roll up together.