451 results found
Allow library to alter default status for "Mark Unavailable" in Missing Part Checkin
This currently defaults to "Display," and displays with that status in PAC. Display is a non-circing status that is actually used for items in our special collections, so we can't rename it to something like "In Repair."
If system admin gave an option to set a default status when "Mark Unavailable" is selected from Missing Part Check In, it would streamline workflows as we wouldn't have to go back and change the status in the item record.
4 votes -
Add option to exclude Inn-Reach items on the Picklist
Please add a checkbox to exclude Inn-Reach items on the picklist. Inhouse requests are searched separately and by different staff than those who handle Inn-Reach requests, and so it would be nice to have their lists only display inhouse requests. Thanks!
1 vote -
Display latest additions to record sets at the top of the record set
We create large weeding record sets by pulling items from the shelves then scanning them into the record set. Additions to the set are always shown at the bottom of the list. This means the user needs to keep scrolling to the end of the list to be assured their scanned item did save to the list and if they want to query last scanned items.
This request is simply to change the order in which the set is displayed on screen, with most recent additions added at the top of the list.
18 votes -
Hoopla integration with Polaris
The current process of loading and removing Hoopla records in the staff client is tedious and time-consuming at best. We stopped adding Hoopla records to Polaris because we don't have the staff capacity to deal with the monthly 'remove' lists. An API integration similar to CloudLibrary would be a huge time-saver. CloudLibrary automatically imports records and then sets them to 'withdrawn' when the title is no longer available. The Hoopla database is enormous, so the ability to add some parameters of what to pull would also be helpful.
12 votes -
Allow for customization of the Notification preferences dropdown in PAC self-registration
In order to require patrons who are self-registering via the PAC to choose a notification preference, please remove the 'none' option from the Preferences dropdown, or at least allow for the option to customize what appears in the Preferences dropdown. By removing 'none' - or allowing for the option to remove it - patrons would effectively be required to provide a notification method, which would allow the library they are self-registering with to easily contact them should any problems arise with their application.
20 votes -
SIP2 support for checking in lost items via sorter
Support should be included so that when lost items are checking via automated materials handlers, they should be checked in and processed - bill waived and item status updated appropriately.
16 votes -
Add additional filters to PolarisAdmin (web SA)
In PolarisAdmin, it would be great to have a few additional filters other than the text box filter.
- Show non-default (would show any setting that wasn't at its default value)
- Show system/library/branch level (one for each, to show settings that were set at specific levels within Polaris SA)
This would allow for quick scans for changed settings that might be causing issues or problems. Especially in places where there are a wide range of settings that are largely kept at their default values (I'm looking at you Self-Check Unit Parameters).
I'm attaching a screenshot of another software I use that…
11 votes -
Please expand the search functionality to include searching and pulling results for both the 024#a MARC tag, as well as 020#a
Functionally this will improve searches as results will include hits on an ISBN whether it's in 020 or 024
4 votes -
Call Number drop into the Classification field in the Item Record
Have the Call Number (082 #a) drop into the Classification field in the Item Record when the item moves from On Order to Received.
This function would most benefit staff who catalogue (or import full catalogue records) and then manage the Purchase Order process.
The goal is to reduce the room for error when adding items.
6 votes -
Patron Notes field - pop-up alert on check out
It would be useful to have a pop-up alert for notes to patrons that are important, but not so urgent we need to block their record. This would mean that when staff scanned their card at check out, there would be an obvious pop-up to alert them of a message, rather than relying on them noticing a colour change to the Notes link.
13 votes -
Allow the option to use OAuth to authenticate SMTP
Currently to use SMTP the account has to support basic authentication which is not secure and is being deprecated by Microsoft for Azure accounts. In the next few months, Microsoft will be enforcing MFA on Azure accounts in phases and the only way around that for things like SMTP is to use OAuth. Since the current version does not allow OAuth authentication for SMTP, this will cause notification services that use email to stop functioning.
Allowing the option to use OAuth to authenticate SMTP would resolve this issue and allow users with Microsoft Tenants to continue using notification services.
1 vote -
Allow PolarisAdmin sidebar to be pinned
Unlike the Leap sidebars, you can NOT pin the PolarisAdmin sidebar, making it more difficult to move around the system versus the desktop SA.
8 votes -
Add notes field to Polaris Staff Accounts
We occasionally need to document the use and purpose of special staff accounts. Mostly we do this to make sure they don't accidentally get deleted.
Historically we did this by using the email address field on the staff account. Now in PolarisAdmin (Web) it enforces email address formatting rules in that field so we can no longer use that field.
This was always a hacky work around. It would be better to have a notes field on polaris user staff accounts like patrons do. It should be up front and in your face though and not hidden behind menus. Again…
13 votes -
Search Item Records in Leap using Last Activity Date
It would be helpful if we could search using the Find Tool for items with a Last Activity Date. Last circulated is a search option, and Last activity is a column option to display, but I have yet found a way to use it in my search criteria.
8 votes -
Staff's ability to make item bulk changes should follow permissions for item record change
Currently item bulk change functionality allows staff to bulk change fields that they can't change in individual item records. This allows staff to modify item records using bulk change when they're blocked from modifying directly in the item record. The same permissions should apply to bulk change:
• Item records: Modify cataloging view
• Item records: Modify source and acquisitions view
• Item records: Modify reserves view
• Item records: Modify history viewThe library feels this is a data security risk. Fundamentally, here is the question: what is the purpose of the permission Item records: Modify cataloging view?
36 votes -
Enhanced Patron Privacy (UDF)
Patron Privacy is becoming a much larger issue. We currently use a UDF to hold our Patron ID.
We'd like to suggest that having the ability to create some way to collect and keep private patron data such as an ID or other PII would be ideal. And having this information encrypted in the database would be preferable as well.
Being able to prevent this information from always showing, would be a benefit and even having the ability to only show a part of that information, such as the last four digits or something similar, would be useful.
5 votes -
Collapse Name on Identification Fields
Staff have suggested that the Name on Identification area of the Leap registration form be collapsable, so that it will only be accessed if absolutely necessary. This measure would be an extra step in ensuring a patron's privacy, if a staff member accessing the record doesn't need that particular information.
3 votes -
INN-Reach Returns
I love Polaris/Leap 7.7's INN-Reach check-in screen for receiving resource sharing items. Thank you for the update!
Please make it smart enough to handle returns to the owning library as well (or create a similar screen for returns), so staff doesn't have to do the cumbersome, branch-by-branch return process in Request Manager.
2 votes -
Add Title & Suffix to PAPI PatronRegistrationCreate2 & Update2
It would be helpful to be able to create or update, via PAPI, patron registration records with the Title and Suffix fields populated. Currently, there is no way to ingest this information when using custom registration forms that utilize PAPI to create patron records.
2 votes -
Clearer messaging when an invalid barcode is used in a password reset
A patron was using their former barcode to try to do a password reset, and before we realized what the issue was, the system told them they 'had no email address' associated with that account. It would be more helpful if the system told them the barcode was invalid or, even better, that they were using an old barcode.
9 votes
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