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ILS - Polaris


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  1. While Leap Item Record views are pretty robust, they often lack a very critical piece of information - Last Activity Date. Modification and Creation date display in Properties but Last Activity Date is not displayed. While it can sometimes be found in the History view, this is not always the case. Sometimes History is empty in Leap. We reference Last Activity date in the staff client on a regular basis and need ready access to that same information in Leap

    Idea Value
    Last Activity date and info can be helpful for collection evaluation and in tracking down items.

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  2. Currently item barcodes are not included on the billing notices. We double check the shelves for billed items prior to mailing the bill to the patron. Often we have multiple copies of the item. To ensure that the bill is accurate and the items are truly missing, we have to take the other copies to the circulation desk and double check their status. This is time consuming, inefficient and occurs frequently. Item barcodes are include on the overdue notices. I would like to see them included on the billing notice too.

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    This would simplify the workflow, reduce staff…

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  3. With 7.1, Polaris administrative settings can now be accessed on the web, which includes PAPI Key Management. However, the PAPI keys can be accessed and changed today by anyone with the permission 'Access Administration - Allow' (which gives basic access to system admin settings).

    We give some of our staff access to admin settings, for activities like adding workstations and updating branch hours. As it stands these users can access and change the API settings through web-admin, but they should be secured so only systems administrators have access. This will be barrier for us sharing web-admin with our staff in…

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  4. In the Find Tool, allow users to filter by a library organization's branches by selecting a library 'quick pick' option. This would eliminate the need for a system used by multiple libraries to click each branch associated with their organization.

    Idea Value
    In the Find Tool, in order to filter a search for an item with an assigned branch within our library organization, we are required to select the checkbox next to each branch from the drop-down menu. We have over 20 branches, which makes the filter cumbersome. We would like to be able to select all of our branches…

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  5. I realized recently that all our bibliographic records have the Modification Date populated, even new records. It turns out that the process of creating the record will update the Modification Date due to an aspect of the process. This doesn't seem part of the intended design, so it would make sense to correct the process to stop adding a Modification Date entry.

    Idea Value
    This may cause confusion for staff working with bib records, and in general it's not good from a record metadata quality perspective to have misleading modification details. It can be filtered around in queries (the modifier…

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  6. From time to time, we have need to place all items on a record set on hold to call them in for a specific purpose. It would be great to have the ability to select all or some items within a record set and click a place hold button and then have the option to move the request for each of these items to the top of queue.

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    This would make functions so much faster and easier. For example, right now, I need to place item level holds on a couple dozen checked out items to inspect them…

    102 votes

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  7. In Leap relabel the current submit Close button to Receipt. Add an additional button next to it called Close that that would close the record check out the material but would not generate a paper receipt print dialog box etc.

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    This would save paper for those libraries that have suppressed the print dialog box in their browsers for Leap and patrons that did not want a paper receipt.

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  8. Provide aggregate circulation data and status by branch and item record. Previously this information was available on the Preview screen of the desktop client. Desired information by branch: Number of items, Number of holds, Year-to-date circulation, Previous year-to-date circulation, Lifetime circulation, Year-to-date in-house use, Previous year-to-date in-house use, Lifetime in-house use. Desired information by item: Assigned Branch, Collection, First available date, Year-to-date circulation, Previous year-to-date circulation, Lifetime circulation, Year-to-date in-house use, Previous year-to-date in-house use, Lifetime in-house use, Shelf location, Volume information, Current Circulation Status, Barcode, Last activity Date. This information should be sortable by any field.

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  9. The Problem

    At best, the method and workflow used to bulk import patrons into Polaris (often referred to as student import) is archaic. The Polaris documentation for this process, Importing Student Records as Patron Records, is 19 pages long and seven of those pages are definitions and descriptions for the format of a pipe delimited file. This file contains 65 separate columns, all of which must be included in the file even if they contain no information. The documentation defines at least three columns that you should not populate… so why are they there? You can obtain a sample Excel…

    52 votes

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  10. In LEAP, please add the ability for a user to create a bibliographic record set from a file of ISBNs or Control Numbers..

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    LEAP can create item record sets using an 'add from file' option that uploads item records by barcode - and LEAP can create a patron record set by uploading a file of Patron IDs.

    We would like to have a similar function that allows us to create a bibliographic record set by uploading a file of ISBNs or Control Numbers.

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  11. In the staff client, we can set a default file for a particular import profile. When that import profile is used, the file is already selected and we don't have to search for it. We'd like this same thing in Leap, but currently aren't able to set a default file and have to search for it every time.

    Idea Value
    This would prevent having to search for the exact same file every time when importing. It would save time, is more efficient, and already works well in the staff client.

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  12. Currently, when a patron changes their password via the OPAC (change logon > change password), no notification is made to the customer nor is the modification date in the patron registration record updated.

    I would like to see an email/SMS notification be issued to the customer when a password is changed via this method as well as have the modification date updated.

    Idea Value
    These updates would provide better security for the library customer by communicating a system change that they may or may not have made themselves.

    These updates would also make it easier for library staff to investigate…

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  13. In Polaris staff have the ability to tap ENTER to close a check out. In Leap, staff must select COMPLETE with the mouse to close the transaction.

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    Polaris users have become acustomed to using ENTER to finish a check out so having to select COMPLETE is awkward and takes extra steps involving the mouse.

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  14. The process for deleting authorities is very time intensive. The process should work like deleting item or bib records and allow for not being notified for blocking/non-blocking notes. There should also be a default for how to handle deleted authorities, flip, unlink, etc. This would make the process much easier and quicker.

    Idea Value
    This would be a huge time saver for staff.

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  15. I often get requests to have a pop-up for staff when last copy, or more especially a last copy with a hold, gets put into a status like withdrawn, missing, etc. It could provide a big head's up to selectors so they could preemptively tackle.

    Idea Value
    This would provide better customer service. Last copies with holds that were being discarded, etc. could be more immediately addressed to order replacement, contact patron, or submit to ILL.

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  16. SimplyReports offers only one format when downloading the results of a report, and that is a questionably formatted xls file that always throws a warning when opening in Microsoft Excel. Microsoft left the xls format behind almost 15 years ago when they launched the xlsx format in Excel 2007. My idea is not only to update the downloadable report format to xlsx, but add reporting formats now common in data handling and processing:Update xls and replace it with xlsxAdd export to OpenDocument Spreadsheet (.ods)Add export to CSVAdd export to JSONAdd export to PDF

    Additionally, it'd be an excellent update to…

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  17. Adding a icon/button within the Patron Status "Items Out" view which would send an email to the email address on file for the patron which lists all items currently checked out and their due date.

    Idea Value
    There is already a print icon/button on the Patron Status "Items Out" view which can be used to print the list of items out and their due date. Adding an email icon/button would allow patrons to receive this list easily via email when they come to the desk and ask staff for a list of the items checked out.

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  18. The item hold setting option, "Days Past First Available," was added in Polaris 6.4. This hold setting is not currently included in item bulk change options and should be added in.

    Idea Value
    Libraries who want to begin using this feature cannot currently bulk change existing items to use this setting (or, if already using, change the existing value). All other item hold setting options can be bulk changed. For parity, the "days past first available" should be added as a bulk change option as well.

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  19. Record sets that are owned by staff remain in the system forever if those owners don't clean them up. We would like Administrators to have co-ownership of those sets.

    Idea Value
    Administrators can maintain and clean up orphaned record sets.

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  20. Currently in Leap there is no equivalent Bibliographic Title search to the "Exact match (implicitly truncated)" in the Polaris Client. The Leap search "Bibliographic>BasicSearch>Title>Exact ()" doesn't utilize the Initial Articles entries in the Bib record so any title search with a "The" or "A" or "An" in the title are not returned in the search results. This has caused a push back to adoption since the very real perception is that Leap has inferior search capabilities. I'm not sure why the the "Bib Exact ()" search requires staff to strip out the A, An & The initial article…

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    This idea is outside of our agreed upon Idea Graduation Workflow, but because it was just raised in the most recent rount of MEEP voting, I'm going to keep it open for another cycle. Moving to "Under Review" status.

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