Globally Update Loan Rules
When there is a change to Loan Rules such as an increase to number of renewals, etc., it would be beneficial to globally update the field instead of changing each independently.
During Covid we increased the renewals and then decreased them a year later. I was told there was not a way to globally update the field and had to go into each Loan Rule to make the change.
Idea Value
This would save staff time and possible errors. Freeing staff to be more productive in other areas.
MEEP candidate for the Sierra 6.5 release
Functional Requirements (what does it need to do?)
• A library staff user will be able to apply one or more changes to a set of loan rules without needing to open and edit each loan rule one-by-one.
• The user will receive confirmation before the changes to the loan rules are saved.
• The staff user will be able to create a backup of the loan rules before changes are made.
• The staff user will be able to import a saved set of loan rules from a backup file.
• Loan rules will be validated upon import.Notes: The entire file needs to be exported/imported to maintain the file structure/integrity in Sierra.
Melissa Landis commented
We are a consortium of 138 libraries with nearly 800 loan rules. If, for example, we decide to update the grace period for fines (something we've limited to a consortium-wide decision), we would have to update each rule individually.
Sheryl VanderWagen commented
I just went through our many many loan rules to set up the additional courtesy notice and was wishing the same thing. But I would, at the same time, be extremely nervous about doing this globally. I kind of wanted to see each one as I was doing this. I wonder if this would really be worth it, for the frequency it might be used weighed against the potential "damage" that can be done.
Phil Shirley commented
It would be helpful to be able to select a number of loan rules and make a single change to all of them. This would make it easier, and would ensure consistency.
Alison Pruntel commented
Ideally some sort of checkbox situation, like you see when you view your email and want to delete, etc. You could check all or select specific loan rules and then update a specific field/setting all at once.
Fran Juergensmeyer commented
I agree with Jeremy Goldstein that this would need to be very carefully implemented. Perhaps a way to select the loan rules to be updated would help? That way, you could limit the changes to only active rules, or change rules for different types of materials in different ways.
Jeremy Goldstein commented
The use case for this idea makes a ton of sense though such a feature would have to be VERY carefully implemented for sites like ours with 100's of loan rules. There would have to be at a minimum some way to limit the loan rules the global change is being applied to.