66 results found
Enable multiple pickup locations per branch in Mobile App to support locker, curbside, and in-library holds pickup
I was told by Innovative support that SOLUS said the Mobile App will not be supporting the new pickup area functionality available in Polaris 7.5 that allows a user to select first a library and then a designated pickup area.
Providing an option for pickup locations is crucial as more libraries start to offer smart locker pickup and other, separate, pickup area scenarios.
The current work-around of creating new "branches" in Polaris just for a pickup location for a locker or other area creates multiple data and maintenance challenges both for administrators and library staff. This challenge is further multiplied…
46 votes -
Sync library hours/dates closed from ILS with app
Having to input this info 3 times (ILS, Vega, App) is tiresome and could be avoided with this feature.
37 votes -
Enable Push Notifications, Features Solus Already Offers
The III Mobile app, which is based on the Solus Library App, should offer push notifications (they are listed in the administrative portal) as well as other new features Solus provides, including the Reading Tracker. Library patrons expect notifications (standard with almost any other app), which were available in MyLibrary! and were promised as part of the upsell to III Mobile.
34 votes -
I just had a customer who made the observation, that she would have expected the Expiry date of membership to be visible in the App
She did not necessarily want all her personal details available via the app, but thought that expiry date would keep the need to renew front and center.
28 votes -
Integration of PowerPac / Vega Discover Lists
Allow patrons to view their saved lists within the app, allowing them to create their own pull lists before visiting the library.
24 votes -
Allow patrons to sort their reading history in descending or ascending order
23 votes -
Allow patrons to pay their fines in the app
Either include a direct payment method integrated with Comprise or include a link to take them to the PAC where they can pay there.
22 votes -
Add feature for announcement banner on app home page
Could you please create a feature that allows us to add an announcement banner to the very top of the app home page? Specifically with (a) a custom color background, (b) a custom icon, and (c) a custom free text field. Mockup attached for clarification. Thank you!
21 votes -
Can the app include the number of renewels a patron has available for each item.
We currently have this feature on our website, but the app doesn't replicate this important feature. This will let the patron know if they have used up all their renewels.
20 votes -
Send the self-check receipt to the patron's email address
Patrons are used to getting ereceipts when they use other self-check devices in the library, so the experience should be the same in the app.
19 votes -
Online payment integration
Ability to integrate third party online payment service - My Account
19 votesAn integration with Stripe Connect is planned.
Integrate Vega features into Innovative Mobile for ease of implementation
Vega (Homepage/LX/Promote/Promote Web) features such as showcase groups, carousels, and authors should be available to deploy within Innovative Mobile for ease of implementation across all products. We'd like to be able to deploy our librarian created showcases directly on the mobile app versus creating record sets of our existing showcases from Vega.
18 votes -
Open social media links in their own app
The social media links open in the browser vs. directing to the app (if the user has said app installed on their device). Is there a way we can default to have it open in the IG app (and only redirect to the web version if they do not have it installed)? I see this as possibly being a confusing re-direct as app users may not be logged in ever from their phone's browser. Is it possible if we could use a link to redirect a user from the mobile app to the library's social media profile within the social…
18 votes -
List reading/checkout history as an option under Profile
On behalf of Riverside County Library: List reading/checkout history as a bullet point under Profile (along with holds, fines, linked accounts, etc.). If patrons don't currently have items checked out, they don't think to look under Checkouts for their reading history.
17 votes -
More filtering options
Offer more filtering options when doing a search in the mobile app. It would be helpful to include a filter for children's, young adult, or adult materials as well as language filtering.
14 votes -
Allow patrons to edit the same account details as they can in PAC
In our current PAC, patrons are able to edit their email address, phone number, notification preference, and preferred pickup location. It would be great if they could do those things in the app too.
13 votes -
Translate Search Filter Dropdown Options in Innovative Mobile
Request: Could the filter options in Innovative Mobile, which are populated from Vega, include the other language translations which are included in Vega?
Description: When you search for an item in Innovative Mobile, the top filtering option for each field is set to the current language of the application, however the other options for each filter are not set to the current language of the application. From what I have been made aware of, these separate filtering options are populated from Vega, which includes other languages, however those separate language translations are not populated in Innovative Mobile. I have attached…
13 votes -
Support Dark Mode
Support dark mode --- currently, on iOS and Android devices, when Dark is selected, the hamburger menuing options display dark, but the main app still remains in Light mode.
12 votes -
Automatic refresh when opening the Solus App
Several staff have shared customer feedback re: the lack of an automatic refresh when opening the Solus App.
Several customers have complained after returning materials directly to a staff member that the items were still reflecting in their accounts when they checked their account in the app following that action.
Staff suggested they go in and click the refresh icon. At that point, the items cleared but, ideally, customers should not have to take that step. The app should auto refresh when customer opens the app.
12 votes -
Shelf Location and Collection
We've noticed that the shelf location and collection of items does not appear in the app, just branch and call number. Is there a way to add these? It will help patrons find items, especially in our largest branch.
12 votes
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