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Vega Discover

Vega Discover



377 results found

  1. Similar to something BiblioCore offers, add staff reviews or comments to Showcases. Libraries use this to inform patrons why a title was added to a list

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  2. Patrons have requested the ability to see an estimated wait time for their holds from their Holds Summary screen. Currently, they see where they are in line, but there is no indication as to the number of potential copies to fill the hold. If they are #5 in line, and there are 5 copies, this item will arrive soon, but if there is only 1 copy, it could be another couple of months before it arrives. For heavy library users, having a rough estimated date helps them decide what holds to freeze or unfreeze, and manage their holds better. This…

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  3. The current Vega On Order logic allows the library to select Material Types that will show a status of On Order when there are no items attached. The problem is that for older titles sometimes all the attached items have a status that we suppress from display because it's not useful to the patrons such as: Missing, Withdrawn, Damaged, Lost, etc. These items, because they are suppressed from display will cause this title to show up as ON ORDER when it's actually not and may be weeded from the collection soon. If the logic could be updated to include suppressed…

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  4. Most patrons probably don't add apostrophes when searching (some do, some don't). We suggest it be taken out as a variable effecting the search results in basic search. In advanced search it can be included exactly as typed, but for the basic search it may do more harm than good. Please see the attached examples.

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  5. A staff member would like to add the possibility of creating multiple item level holds on one title in the catalog similarly to what staff members can do in Leap. This will help patrons and book clubs that would like to place a hold on the same title without a duplicate error more seamlessly.

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  6. We have noticed several instances where unrelated titles roll-up together. We have noticed it the most in travel books. It seems to be a problem whenever we don't use a 1XX Marc Fields in a record and several items have the same 245, or in records where the 1XX field and 245 are the same but are in fact different books. Travel books are a problem, but I've seen this in items where there is a adult and juvenile or teen version of an item, where a classic book has a graphic novelization or even in two completely unrelated items…

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  7. Due to the Marrakesh treaty the 341 and 532 tags were created to make accessibility tags for print disabled patrons. Vega should enable the tags to make these tags available in Vega. I am attaching a sample from the National Network for equitable library services as an example.

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  8. This is more for library staff, but when searching by a standard number for a specific format, to have the search results land on the correct tab in rollup. For example, searching an ISBN for an e-resource will currently take to rollup but the book tab selected and not on the e-resource tab.

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  9. Right now when patrons go to Discover they need to click on the search bar before searching. We suggest it should be like Google (or any other search engine), when the page loads you can start typing your search.

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  10. We have several multi-volume titles (graphic novels, travel guides, etc.) along with Library of Things title records that involve varying items owned by the same library requiring different call numbers and we’re finding some instances of Vega showing call number information of different copies depending on window of a rollup (main title work rollup, “Find a Copy” window, when clicking a specific library in list after clicking on “Find a Copy”) resulting in some confusion of library members and patron. To be consistent across at least the first two windows would be helpful. Please see attached for example.

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  11. As of May 8th, 2024, Patrons at Vega Discover Kiosks which run in incognito mode are now presented with a greyed-out screen with a small white cookie banner at the bottom. For patron privacy, best practice for any Kiosk deployed in a public space calls for the erasure of all browser cache and cookies at the end of the kiosk session. For a walk-up session, there is no clear instruction as to what action needs to be taken to get to the full site, clicking a small "x" in the lower right corner is neither intuitive nor accessible. This prompt…

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  12. Integrate into Vega the capability for patrons to create their own notifications using advanced search filtering. For example, patrons could choose to receive a text through IPA:SMS whenever a specific author releases new material at our library. Additionally, they could opt to receive a weekly email with a predefined search filter, such as Availability (At Library), Format (Book), Collection (Adult Non-Fiction), New Material (This week), focusing on the topic "Nature".

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  13. It would be nice to have the ability to export all the bibliographic record numbers in a rollup instead of having to click on the details for each individual record included in a rollup. This practice makes it very tedious to sort out incorrect rollups especially when there can be up to 20+ records on a single tab.

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  14. We conducted a test search for the following book title term:

    fable haven
    (The actual book / series title is Fabelhaven)

    It returns 13 results in our catalog, none of which are Fablehaven, nor did it suggest a “Did you mean fablehaven?" (Searching "fable haven" in quotes as an exact search returns 0 results, as it should).

    It seems that the Vega search engine should be able to find relevant search results when this term is combined into one word, or should at least suggest “Did you mean fablehaven” in the case of searching fable haven as two words and…

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  15. Integrate program and events into Vega Discover search results, not just on main Homepage.

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  16. Patrons don't often think about cancelling a hold until they have received a notice. By that time, it is already in transit or on the holds shelf. This is often when they want to cancel, but cannot. There is an idea listed about suppressing the Cancel option for items that cannot be cancelled. This would be a partial solution, but for our library, the true need is to allow patrons to cancel items that have already been trapped for them.

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  17. When staff create showcases and then are no longer with the library, there is no way the Admin can "take over" the showcase to maintain it. The only option is to delete the showcase and re-create it. Same with saved searches. If a reference librarian has created a saved search but leaves the library, search would have to be re-created.

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  18. Since the MARC to BIBFRAME conversion doesn't convert every tag, Staff would like the ability to view MARC from Discover

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  19. Technical services staff would like to see how the MARC was converted to BIBFRAME. Not for patron view, but staff would be interested to have the insight

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  20. We think it is very important to provide patrons the option to Select Items to Renew, which would display checkboxes in front of each item for the patron to select multiple checkboxes to renew together.

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