377 results found
Don't display series info for things that aren't true series
Right now, when you search something like Jane Eyre (see screenshot), which has multiple editions, some of which are part of a "series", Vega Discover arbitrarily displays one of those series statements in the roll-up. We would like it to NOT display the series info when it doesn't apply to all editions of a work, since the roll-up is supposed to reflect what all the editions have in common, not just one particular edition's series info. It could likely make the user think, incorrectly, that if they place a hold, they will get that edition in that series, when in…
15 votes -
Stop the inclusion or exclusion of apostrophes from directly effecting the search results
Most patrons probably don't add apostrophes when searching (some do, some don't). We suggest it be taken out as a variable effecting the search results in basic search. In advanced search it can be included exactly as typed, but for the basic search it may do more harm than good. Please see the attached examples.
23 votes -
Display all 520 fields in record, not just the first one
We have many titles that are collections of multiple titles, such as Binge Boxes, that are cataloged with multiple 520 (summary) fields to cover all the titles contained in the set. However, only the first MARC 520 summary field displays in Vega, which is difficult for customers who are trying to find all titles contained in the collection. The table of contents is buried in "edition information--details", which is very small and not obvious to the average customer, so they often don't know what titles the collection contains. This is also true for some short story collections and CD compilations.…
8 votes -
Editable Patron Profile Fields - Edit AND/OR Add
Currently, when you allow patrons to edit patron profile fields like Email address, phone numbers, etc., you can Edit and Add. We don't want our patrons to Add in some cases, like Email, because when the patron does this in Vega, that means an additional z-tagged field in the record. Until Vega allows LX notices to go to more than 1 z-tagged field, we don't want patrons adding one and then wondering why they didn't get the notice to the e-mail address they just added. It's confusing. So if there was a check box for "Edit" and a check box…
15 votes -
Integrate Comics Plus API into Vega
We have a few libraries using Comics Plus, and they have requested that we integrate these materials into Vega. I understand that they do have an API.
11 votes -
Since the MARC to BIBFRAME conversion doesn't convert every tag, Staff would like the ability to view MARC from Discover
24 votes -
Let Vega use information from order records in ILS.
As of now Vega doesn´t look at the order records in the ILS. We have set the system to allow holds on bib-records with no items attached for books. That in turn displays "On order" in Vega. This method has some complications but works for the most part since there usually are orders on these bibs. But we would like it to also display how many items are ordered. It helps inform our patrons if it´s worth placing a hold on the title.
In the example (offer) I´ve included we have a new book with 8 copies ordered. If that…
22 votes -
Add checkboxes to Checkouts view so patrons can select items to renew
We think it is very important to provide patrons the option to Select Items to Renew, which would display checkboxes in front of each item for the patron to select multiple checkboxes to renew together.
22 votes -
Allow patrons to Cancel or Freeze multiple holds
Within the account view, allow patrons to select multiple holds. Provide the ability to bulk cancel / bulk freeze / bulk unfreeze the selected titles.
12 votes -
Add a Search Filter for Game Platforms to Vega
The filter options that are currently available in Vega don't allow patrons to search by video game platform. We would like to see a new filter or a subfilter for the Format facet that would allow users to refine the search results by console/platform. In our catalog a game like Overcooked, which has multiple editions for Nintendo Switch, XBox, and PlayStation consoles, brings up 14 different results that a patron would need to click into to find the platform for each. With a platform filter they could select Nintendo Switch and apply that to the search to end up with…
23 votes -
Song title
We need to be able to search by song title when searching for music cds or for sheet music books.
It also its hard not be able to see the track listing for compilation albums (the Now cds for instance).
We have patrons complain about this weekly.26 votes -
Display and Edit Hold Activation Date in holds list
Currently when a hold activation date in the future is set, the only indication in the holds list is that the hold says Frozen. Nowhere does it list the activation date that was set for it. This date should display for the patron, and they should also be able to change that date to a different date in the future, not just unfreeze it and then refreeze it as of the current date.
16 votes -
Index genre headings
We have several customers that use genre headings (655 field) to find materials. For example, "video recordings for the hearing impaired" helps deaf and hard-of-hearing customers locate DVDs with closed captioning. This is not a searchable field in Vega and there does not seem to be a way to find this information anywhere on the record.
41 votes -
Shows 'Estimated Wait' for hold
Patrons have requested the ability to see an estimated wait time for their holds from their Holds Summary screen. Currently, they see where they are in line, but there is no indication as to the number of potential copies to fill the hold. If they are #5 in line, and there are 5 copies, this item will arrive soon, but if there is only 1 copy, it could be another couple of months before it arrives. For heavy library users, having a rough estimated date helps them decide what holds to freeze or unfreeze, and manage their holds better. This…
16 votes -
Limit to One Branch Collection and Available Items at One Branch
I'd like to be able to limit search results to one branch's collection and limit search results available items in one branch's collection in just one or two obvious clicks.
12 votes -
Add the ability to mask one of the locations listed on patron account in Vega
When a patron is logged into Vega on their My Bookshelf profile, three options are displayed under location. We would like the ability to mask either Home Library or Registered Library Branch. Both options are usually the same for our patrons so we would like the ability to mask one of these options to avoid confusion. See the attached photo of the three current locations displayed when a patron is viewing their profiles in Vega.
9 votes -
Perpetual Search Bar
Keep the search bar throughout ALL Discover pages. Similar to Google or any search engine - it should always be at the top and would make searching more convenient because it would avoid having to navigate back to the home page of the catalog.
21 votes -
Update the Current Vega On Order Logic to include Suppressed Status Items
The current Vega On Order logic allows the library to select Material Types that will show a status of On Order when there are no items attached. The problem is that for older titles sometimes all the attached items have a status that we suppress from display because it's not useful to the patrons such as: Missing, Withdrawn, Damaged, Lost, etc. These items, because they are suppressed from display will cause this title to show up as ON ORDER when it's actually not and may be weeded from the collection soon. If the logic could be updated to include suppressed…
16 votes -
Topics Link to Search Results -- MEEP Voting
REQUEST: When you click on a subject heading that appears under "Topics" on a resource page to find other similar resources, it would be better for the results to display as a search results list so that you can further refine the list.
Staff often start with a particular title, then look for appropriate subjects to link to other relevant resources for a patron and they would like to be able to apply other filters (particularly Availability and Location but other facets would be useful too) to refine the list of resources.
Currently, when you click on a heading, you…12 votesUNDER REVIEW · AdminAngela Nolet (Senior Product Manager, Innovative Interfaces, Innovative) responded -
Add 'fully supported' collection site dropdown list option
We would like there to be a 'fully supported' option to add a collection site dropdown list, not simply documentation to do it ourselves with the caveat that Innovative can't be responsible for whether or not it works. I've included a screenshot that shows how it actually doesn't work well on mobile, and we aren't able to do much about that. However, if there were a fully supported dropdown option, I think it's safe to assume it would be optimized for mobile use as well. This is what we would want.
This is not 'already supported' as was stated in…
10 votes
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